Back To School

With the purchase of anything new that's electronic/mechanical, you can bet that it will come with the requisite User Manual. You know: those books that men ignore, that women file away and that geeks actually READ.

I, as you should know by now, fit neatly into that last category. So it's no surprise that I'm experiencing flashbacks to high school with the mountain of "homework" I've been assigned since the purchase of my new Outlander:

User manuals, warranties, maintenance schedules, operational books... all in an effort to teach me:

1) How to use my new toy's car's features
2) How to use my new keyless entry and security system (and believe me, it works... no you don't need to know HOW I know that, but that sucker is outfitted with an earsplitting wail.)
3) How to use my navigation system
4) How to use my Bluetooth
5) How to use my Sirius Satellite
6) How to use my remote Command Start

Geesh. I hope there isn't a test at some point.

At least with the iPad they threw in, it only came with barely a pamplet and teenie card highlighting all four buttons...

But I read that "Important Product Information Guide" too.

And I now I know that if I get it wet, I should not "attempt to dry iPad with an external heat source, such as a microwave oven."


Good thing I studied. Now if I come upon any men attempting to mic their wet iPads, I can stop them and save the day (along with their computer and quite possibly, their microwave).

Yep. I'm going to ace that exam alrighty.

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