A New Year, A New Obsession

And so it begins... I've discovered yet another vice to squeeze into my already full life. I guess it's not enough that I am a wife, mother, full-time employee, collector, scrapbooker, pet owner, avid reader, webmaster and blogger. Nope.

Now I can add Digital Painter to that list.

Here is my second piece that I finished on my Wacom tonight, after three days work. Not counting the time spent doing my other family duties (which unfortunately haven't miraculously disappeared), I would guess that I worked on this a few hours per day. So this took about 6 - 8 hours total.

And in the true form of obsessive behaviour, I am already planning the next project in my head.

19 People would rather be commenting:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a painting? I thought it was a photo of a rose (that is a rose, right? I'm not very good at recognizing plants).

Anonymous said...

Maureen -- I'm so impressed! It's beautiful! The shading! The textures! Wow! Stunning.

Christine said...

It's lovely. And I can totally understand how you would get sucked into digital painting.

Ugh, but all the stuff I need to get done...it leaves no time for fun, lately.

Heather said...

That is gorgeous! You could seriously sell this stuff. Have you ever thought about getting an online store like Cafepress?

Curly Glamour Girlie said...

Holey moley!! (I know holy isn't spelled with an "e" but it had to match the moley)

I love it! And just think of how much you save in paint supplies.

I say you go for a Bob Ross style landscape next!!

Bruce Johnson said...

When I first glanced at this, I thought it was a photograph....

Janet said...

WHAT?? YOU PAINTED THIS?? It's absolutely stunning, Maureen! Methinks you've found your calling! Perhaps you can quit your day job in 2008 and become a digital painter. :-) Janet

P.L. Frederick said...

Gorgeous, Maureen! How do you like using the Wacom tablet? Pretty cool, eh?

Please don't over do it with the projects though. I want to be following your wonderful works 10, 20, 30 years down the line and never hear (or suspect) that you're all burnt out. Your work is wonderful and creative, Maureen. It speaks for itself, no matter how much or little of it there is. =-)

Wishing you and your family a joyful 2008!

P.L. Frederick (SMALL & big)

Irene said...

I thought it was a photograph and I can't believe you made it and are so nonchalant about it. Man, that is one hell of a rose!

You must be a very talented woman to be able to do such things. Why aren't you an artist? Full time, I mean.

John M. Mora said...

I will need to research this tablet - got here by way of Irene.

Great image....

Maureen said...

be.bart: Yeah, it’s my second try at digital painting, and yes it is a rose!

Kathy: Thank you! You’re too kind. It gave me some good practice with the new digital tools… each time I use it, I am learning more.

Christine: Thanks… yes, it is addictive, especially when you can just sit down for a few minutes without the hassle of getting out paints, mediums, brushes. I have to make a conscious effort to make time for “fun”; otherwise, I could easily fill the day with just work.

Heather: Thank you! I’ve never really looked into Cafepress before… do people actually make money there?

Curly Glamour Girlie: Aw, you’re too kind… and yes, I save both time and money this way… although I probably will still want that experience and the smell of real paint sometime again. This is just another medium I can now use. And you read my mind about my next project… although I will keep “happy bushes” out of it…

Lotus07: Thank you! I’ll take that as a compliment!

JP: Gosh, thanks… you know, one day I just may want to do a portrait of Lily…

PL: Thanks! Yes, I love the Wacom… I’ll bet you remember my saying I was going to ask for one for Christmas! No, I won’t overdo it; unless I quit my job and let the house go to hell, there isn’t enough time to paint and draw as much as I would want.

Sweet Irene: Aw, thank you so much… I love to draw, paint and sculpt, have been since I was quite young. Then I had hoped I would go into some sort of artistic field, but it just wasn’t practical. Being a computer geek pays the bills and leaves me time to just draw when I want to; not when I HAVE to… thank you so much for the kind compliments.

John: Welcome and thank you!

Anonymous said...

Is that ever cool. I must stay far, far away from that new gadget lest I spend even more time doing tech-related stuff while ignoring my children.

Cupcake Blonde said...

Wow, that is incredible! You really could sell this stuff and make a nice profit! :)

Boatwoman said...

I am really impressed, it is very beautiful.
Looking forward to seeing more hahaha. Now no getting obsessed over anything it is not worth it LOL.
Enjoy your week at work....... Jo

Sarah Coggins said...

Wowzers! You digitally painted this? Even *just* painting it would have been impressive. Now that's some made tablet skill. ;) tfs!

AshPup said...

wow, incredible job auntie maureen! price? less, thankyouverymuch!

Canadian flake said...

holy cow that is amazing...I can't wait to see what you do next...wtg and great job!!!

Jill said...

Just going to agree with EVERYONE here - that's AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

I love It! I would think about using it as walpaper, but I've already got the cutest pic of a cuttlefish up.

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