A Good Time Always, Always A Good Time
Ahhh... Fast Times At Ridgemont High. A funny movie from 1982 that would have been even better with more Jeff Spicoli.
So what the heck made me think of Mr. Spicoli after all these years?
This radio ad promoting Waterways Houseboats. I do believe that's Mr. Spicoli's offspring as their spokesman...
Doesn't that make you just itch to party-hardy with buzzed-out "Jeff Jr." in the middle of a lake?
Apparently you'll:
"Have a good time always"
"Play a lot MORE other things besides cards, right?"
Where "nothin' EVER could go wrong"
So for kick ass fun times, make sure to check them out.
Or, as "Jeff Jr." suggests, with well, "any houseboat company pretty much".
I just can't wait till Spring. But if you're going to join me, remember, it's BYOB.
Bring Your Own Bong.

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Hah! What fun. He sounds a few days short of a summer. If I'd continued to party like my teens and early 20s I'd probably sound even worse by now.
I may (or may not be) speaking from experience here when I say, boating and bongs while in theory may seem to be kick as good times my not always mix well together. I'm just saying...
That should read kick ass good times.
Sorry. I'll dock the boat now.
Duuuuude. Houseboats. They're like half HOUSE, half BOAT. Duuuude.
It is a great movie...I watch parts of it whenever it is on TV...
I have a new feature I am starting over at the nest, please come check it out!
The Egel Nest
"Where nothing EVER goes wrong"???
Haven't there been a few incidents in the news over the past few years of houseboats sinking or capsizing due to too many party-goers on board? I'm with zoe's dad (although it's not from my OWN experience), boating and bongs do NOT mix well. In fact, it's downright illegal in Ontario to go boating in any form while under the influence.
Call me crazy, but I never really liked that movie.
Blog Hopping--HP
Heh...Bring your own bong...
Man...it's been waaaaaaay tooooo looooong since I've seen a bong let along smoked out of one!
It's been such a long time since I watched that movie. Amazing that so many of these actors went on to "serious" careers!
Bloghoppin' Pomtini
Girl, I'll be right there (ROFL, yeah, from Texas, right...).
Spicoli is my favorite all-time surfer dude character. EnHANDced of course by Ray Walston's Mr. Hand, but that's probably because I watched My Favorite Martian original airings when I was a child and thought he was so cool...
tooooooooo funny.......now I feel sooooo old...lmaooooo.
Thanks for the giggles.
I couldn't see the video because I lack some unknown plug in...but I've always wanted to retire to a houseboat. The idea's sounding better & better...
VE: Yeah, he sounds a bit fried, no? I can imagine what he’ll be like 20 years from now.
Zoe’s Dad: This is true, so true…. Not that *I* know from personal experience either. And yes, it’s time to dock now ;)
Christne: Har! LOL!!! I can just HEAR him saying that!
Bradley: I know, I especially love the Spicoli / Hand scenes.
Phoenix5: I know, but remember; this was Alberta... they have their own rules there… ;)
Sarabeth: Everyone is entitled to their opinion! You either love this kind of movie, or hate it… there seems to be no middle ground…
Lunanik: And *I’m* not touching THAT statement with a ten foot pole (my daughter may read it!) ;)
KarenMeg: You are so right; I didn’t realize that Nicolas Cage was first cast too until they found out he was too young to work!
Aimeslee: Come on up, Y’all! I loved Mr. Hand too…
Canadian Flake: Ah, you’re welcome… fun memories indeed.
Jill: It’s a radio ad; not a video. It should play for you; it’s an MP3 file. Sorry you couldn’t listen…. Ah, retiring on a houseboat… with a little medication for that glaucoma, no? ;)
Heh, Heh, Bring Your Own Bong . . . Honeybell wonders if her pothead teenage neighbor girl will let her borrow one . . .
Thanks for visiting our blog tonight. And as for Fast Times... I think that was Sean Penn's best work.
Well count me out ;p..The only sure thing in life is that something CAN and WILL go wrong and dude I'm a sucker for a sure thing.
Belated BlogHopping
It's so funny to think that Jeff Spicoli is now a powerhouse of Hollywood, directing Oscar films and being politically forward.
I loved that movie. My favorite part was always when he orders pizza to the classroom.
Blog Hoppin'~
Anastasia Beaverhousin
hmmm...that made me wonder what happened to my coca-cola bottle bong...i know i put it somewhere, when i moved home from college...maybe my parents took it? wonder if they are using it!!??
Honeybell: “Pothead teenage neighbor”… Heh, heh… poor you.
Ty’s Dad: I loved that character too. I wish he would have done more comedy.
Peggy Sez: A sucker for a sure thing to go wrong… sounds likely, under the circumstances.
Curly Glamour Girlie: Hah! How right you are… now THAT’S scary!!
Mommy Bits: That’s MY favorite scene too!
Suchsimplepleasures: Oooh… Coke Bong… I wonder if Coca Cola collectors would want THAT? (probably). I think you need to sit down with those parents and have a good talk about the dangers of drug abuse… ;)
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