Get Outta My Head Ryan!
I'm not what you'd call an American Idol fan.
Okay, if forced at gunpoint (or if you simply read my blog...) I will admit that I watched the first two seasons religiously. But since then? Well, to put it mildy, my interest has waned.
Been there.
Done that.
Hubby insists on gawking at the first few episodes of each new offering when the Crazy People hit the airwaves, but after that it's just simply boring or excruciating to me. So then, I have to ask myself.
"Myself, how the heck can you explain what happened the other night?"
"You remember. The night you bolted upright in bed, sweating with fear?"
"The night your mind betrayed you."
Oh, gad. I DO remember.
For it was the night I (gulp) DREAMED about Ryan Seacrest....
Could it be that I am being brainwashed?
Brainwashed into finding this guy Every-Frickin-Where?
American Idol.
On Air With Ryan Seacrest.
American Top 40.
Rockin' New Years Eve.
Walt Disney World Christmas Parade.

Crest commercials!?!?!?!
(Or would that be "SEA-Crest" commercials?)

And EVERY television special nowadays.
Emmys. Oscars. American Music Awards. New Year's Rockin' Eve.....
I could go on.
And on.
And on....
Yup. I'm brainwashed alright.
Have to be.
It's the only way I can live with the betrayal of my subconscious ... and the terror of falling asleep.
I guess it could be worse.
I could've been dreaming about THIS guy....

"Seacrest OUT!!!!"

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Ooooh - that is a little troubling. But seriously I cringe to think of some of the people I've had erotic dreams about - Seriously disturbing.
Being Dutch, I am totally unaware of this person and also unaware of the danger you find yourself in, but I wish you a lot of luck anyway, while swimming in such dangerous waters.
Was there sex involved? I mean if there was and he was good I might say get back in bed and go to sleep. ;)
Don Mills Diva: Yeah, I'm not admitting to some of the OTHER dreams I've had either.
Sweet Irene: Ryan is the host of everything in America it seems... his face is plastered everywhere.
Mamma: I'm not telling.... ;) Family may be reading.
I dream of Ryan Seacrest now and then, only I'm usually whacking him upside the head with a blunt object.
Hey, I don't dream it on purpose.
I think the only explanation is, that he is an anamatronic clone of sorts. Sort of like Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, but instead of an army of stormtroopers, they are an army of media bobble heads sent to 'numb' us into submission. Actually, pretty scary.
No, this would be worse... *I* could be dreaming about Ryan Seacrest. GAH!
lmao...I am thinking it would be worse to dream about Simon...that man is scaryyyyyy!!!
I feel much better now. I've never seen him before reading this blog post...
heeeheeeeeeeee.....yes, that would make you sit up in bed in a cold sweat and say WTF???? Although, I agree Brian Dunkleman would be worse. He's on Celeb Fit Club right now if you need a fix. ;)
Get used to it. He will eventually be around as long as Dick Clark has been! We'll be in our 80's and he'll still be hosting.
You must be wondering subliminally if he's gay, not that there's anything wrong with that. ;-)
The worst part of it is, Seacrest isn't even a good host! He's totally lame! I won't watch Idol anymore... it's a show whose time was a long time ago. I wish the TV producers would come up with something DIFFERENT, I mean TOTALLY DIFFERENT! I'm sick of all the rehashes!
Sorry to hijack your blog! You can have it back now!
I'm with Sweet Irene. Being Dutch...I mean being Texan but not watching TV enough to know who he is...well, at least he's cute. Lot's of luck dreaming in the dangerous waters! :-)
I'm with least he's cute... :)
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