Mixed Messages

Often we get rounds catered at work. Afterwards, the office staff fight over politely share the leftovers. One of my favorites is the Chinese food that is brought in about once a week; but the other day I wasn't very hungry so I just grabbed a fortune cookie to munch on.

Aw, that's nice.

Then I realized there was ANOTHER fortune in the same cookie...

Cool! A Two-Fer!

Aw, crap.


17 People would rather be commenting:

Ann(ie) said...

HA! That is funny. And that would totally happen to me. Makes for good blogging, though. ;)

Jill said...

Ok so you're going to be getting what you want but then regret it I guess??? Ah well. That's the way the fortune cookie cr...oh never mind...

Anonymous said...

Haha! That was hilarious! Fortune cookies, heard a lot about them but I never really had any before so far : )

Donna said...

them fortune cookies will call you out everytime!

Sornie said...

Hmm, those are rather contradictory. I'd call the whole thing a wash.

Momo Fali said...

Who knew fortunes could argue? They must be married.

Bruce Johnson said...

The Universe has a certain karma....on this day, the karma was not on your side.

Phoenix5 said...

LOL! ('nuff said!)

Ed & Jeanne said...

Hilarious. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You got yours. I'd heard that they were putting in more "bad news" fortunes into the cookies now. Could have been worse, it might have read "You suck and we spat in your food"

JD at I Do Things said...

I think only the first one counts. Ignore the second one. My favorite fortune said, quite simply:

"You will achieve perfection."

It didn't say when, so I'm not too worried yet.

JD at I Do Things

Cupcake Blonde said...

HA! Talk about a voided cookie. :)

Maureen said...

Ann(ie): It does...

Jill: Ha! That's great!!

BK: Well, I can't say fortune cookies are my favorite treat, but it can stave off hunger for a bit at least.

Donna: This is true! Thanks for visiting!

Sornie: Agreed. Welcome to my blog!

Momo Fali: Ha! Yeah, that makes sense now... sharing the same home and two completely opposite points of view. Sounds familiar...

Lotus07: I've always said I come out even. Still do. Unfortunately.

Phoenix5: :)

VE: Ahhhh!!! That's gross... but gad, what if you DID get something like that??? Because as you know, the cookie is always the last thing you eat... ewwwww.

JD: Ha! Love that fortune. Keeps you reaching and persevering tho...

VP: That's for sure; give with one hand, take with the other....

Ed (zoesdad) said...

Wow, sounds like you get to have your cake and eat it but it's going to go straight to your hips!

toners said...

Aw...they pumped you up and then let you down! :)

Megan said...

Well that is just cruel. How ironic that the cookie with two fortunes has a positive and negative. Doh.

Day Dreamer said...

I got two in one cookie with different messages...but they had the same 'lucky numbers'.


Maureen said...

Ed: I know! It sucks to no end... or to MY end, that is.

Toners: Yeah. Give and take.

Megan: I guess they are covering their bases...

Day Dreamer: Sounds like you should have played those numbers! (or maybe they're the same in EVERY cookie!)

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