Not Tonight, Honey

Don't give me those big sad eyes, pleading for attention. It won't do you any good tonight.

It's late and I'm tired.

And giving me a massage isn't going to change my mind.... so stop kneading my arm.

I want to sleep. I NEED to sleep!

Get back to the other side of the bed and lay still.

Go on... leave me alone.


Yes, I AM hiding from you under the covers, so that soft neck nuzzling is not going to work either.

I don't want to play. I have to get up in a few hours!

So StopItStopItStopIt!!!!!

Okay, I've had enough. You're just not listening.

You obviously are only concerned with your own pleasure, not mine.

I gave you plenty of warning. So out you go... out of the bedroom!

Damn cat.

36 People would rather be commenting:

DJ Kirkby said...

Lol! Foxyboy is EXACTLY the same! Drives us mental all night even though we love him...

Jill said...

SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! I have one cat, Nimue, that every once in awhile wakes me up to pet him by putting his head under my hand. But he's so scared & reclusive all day that it's pretty much the only time I get to pet him, so I go ahead & wake up enough just to pet him.

Canadian flake said...

roflmao...I actually figured this out before I saw the pic...cause I have a cat that is just as bad. She is old and doesn't often want to play...but has it in her head that I should pet her and love her whenever SHE wants...even if it IS 3am..the old fart!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is too funny! You know where my mind was going with that!! I'd rather be blogging, too.


Jen said...

I knew it was either a dog or a cat. We share our bed with six little rotten sweet dogs, and the are always snuggling/squirming/nuzzling.

Ann(ie) said...

that is one cute picture! My cat decides to jump up on the window sill and bat at the blinds when I refuse to cuddle. urg. She's such a pain in the butt, but I love her to pieces!

Peggy Sez.. said...

My three hellions take turns torturing us while we try to sleep.
Last night was Lunas turn..Shes a cover hog!

Bruce Johnson said...

We have the same issues in our household..... X5

mr zig said...

I was beginning to feel sorry for the subject - until I realized it was the cat! :) hehe - great post !

Ed & Jeanne said...

Let's just say as a non-pet owner...if there's p...y in my bed, I'm not complaining!

Maureen said...

DJ: Ha! How true.

Jill: Aw... lucky cat!

Canadian Flake: Rats! I can't fool cat owners!

Lady Banana: And she is one of THREE who take their turns in and out of the bedroom each night...

List Mama: Yay! Tricked one person, at least... and welcome!

Jen: SIX dogs! Good THING they are little!!!

Ann(ie): Ah, yes. The "blinds game". Our youngest cat LOVES to climb in between the slats... geez...

Peggy Sez: You sound like us!

Lotus05: FIVE? Well, I guess I shouldn't complain about three then, should I? You must be a sound sleeper...

Mr. Zig: Ha! Well, if you ask hubby, he would probably tell you that's the way I talk to HIM too! ;)

VE: You so bad... you SO bad!

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

I was waiting for VE to comment first, because I knew he'd go there. You know, so I didn't have to. ;b

Ed (zoesdad) said...

Doesn't anyone just cuddle anymore?

Karen MEG said...

Maureen, that was HAWT, LOL!
Cute kitty, though.

OHmommy said...

Teehee.... I was totally waiting for the ending. ;)

My kids want a cat sooooo bad. I am glad they can not read blogs.

kat said...

ROFL. I was almost fooled ;o).
Our cats are exactly the same LOL.

Unknown said...

So when I said 'Meow' last night, she got pissed because she thought I was calling her a 'catty bitch' - or words to that effect.

Keith Lodge said...

hahahahaha awwwwwww how cute.
I know a cat that does that and she thinks it will work on me everytime hehehe

Aimeslee Winans said...

Hi, Mo. I'm ashamed to say I've been so remiss that I had to catch up reading from The Shell in the Ear to now, but it was highly enjoyable! Thanks for the great read.

Soge shirts said...

lol that was good. My girlfriends cats always try to get love from me at 3 in the morning. Needless to say they are out of the bedroom too.

Stacy said...

LOL! Too funny! Pets & men...can live them....can't live without them.....

Momo Fali said...

Well, as I'm sure you know by now...if I had a cat, those would be the only two words I would ever utter!

Maureen said...

Jeff: Oh, sure….

Ed: Not in this house. ;)

Karen Meg: Ha! Thanks!

Oh Mommy: What, no cat? Don’t you want yet another reason to not sleep at night??

Kat: Well, with a name like Kat, no wonder I didn’t fool you!

Iceel: Ha! I think I’m going to leave THAT one alone! Welcome BTW!

Keith & Jo: And I’ll bet her name is Marmite!

Aimeslee: Aw, thanks!

Sogeshirtguy: Sounds like cats all want us to be sleep deprived…it’s some sort of conspiracy, I say.

Stacy: How true, how true!

Momo Fali: Ha!

Manager Mom said...

Yeah, I think the cat would be harder to resist than the husband...

ShannanB said...

LOL. You had me until the end. Nice one.

ShannanB said...

LOL. You had me until the end. Nice one.

Cupcake Blonde said...

I seem to get more action from the cats these days than my husband. And they are harder to fend off. :)

Angelo azzurro said...

Too funny, Maureen! It made me laugh so much!!

Hahaha, I was thinking about something else, before I saw the picture...

Very hilarious, indeed!

toners said...

ROFL!! You know, I have that problem x4 some nights!

Nora said...

I knew you weren't talking about your husband.

Maureen said...

Manager Mom: How the heck did you know? ;)

Shannanb: Heh, heh. Gotcha! Thank goodness hubby doesn’t read this...

Vegas Princess: Ha! How true! Sorry to hear you have the same problem as I do!

Angelo: Thanks! And welcome!

Toners: Ah, I feel for ya too...

Nora: :) Aw, I couldn’t fool ya, eh? Rats!

Jen W said...

Now that is HILARIOUS! I totally related to that post...until I realized you were talking about a cat :)

Jo Beaufoix said...

Hee hee, that was hilarious. and very cute. ;)

Phoenix5 said...

I don't know how I managed to miss this post! Too funny! You had me until the "out of the bedroom" line. Once I saw the picture I almost fell off the couch laughing! Mrs. Phoenix loved it too!

Have a great weekend!

Maureen said...

Jen W: Ha! My condolences to your hubby! ;)

Aw, thanks Jo!

Phoenix5: :) Thanks! Hope you had a great weekend too!

Janet said...

Oh, I hear ya! LOL

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