You're My Only Hope
Holy crap!
On Thursday it will be my 30th anniversary of working for our Healthcare Authority. (I know, I'm OLD, but obviously stuck in a rut extremely dedicated).
Every five after 15 years of service, we are confronted with a choice of various gifts to be bestowed upon us at a dinner ceremony in November. In the past I have chosen a watch (in 1994), a suitcase (in 1999) and a digital camera (in 2004). But this time I can't quite make up my mind.... why the hell can't they offer something I could use, like a Disneyland meet-and-greet with Johnny Depp, a trip to Hawaii (with Johnny Depp), or even a frickin' day off here (accompanied by, who else but Johnny Depp)?
So because my employer is SO unreasonable not to include Mr. Depp in ANY of my choices, I need your help. Just for background info, the watch I received 15 years ago is different from the one shown, I received a digital camera from hubby this past Christmas (but can you ever have too many of those? Especially a Blogger?) and I don't wear fancy-schmancy necklaces much....
What gift should I choose? I'll close the poll on Friday, September 25th.
And if the the fuzzy warm feeling of helping out some helpless soul (er, me) isn't enough, I'll be choosing a random responder to receive a très cool "I'd Rather Be Blogging" magnet
So please help me, kind readers. You're my only hope.
UPDATE! Thank you to everyone who helped me decide... yes, I've ordered the camera! Woot! And congrats to Daisy The Curly Cat for winning a "I'd Rather Be Blogging" magnet and card.
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So, as of today, 100% think you should choose the necklace. lol
And why did I think, "Help us Obi Wan Kenobi..." when I saw the title to your post? ;p
You have choices with the gold watch...
one being you could modify it with a picture of Johnny Depp on the face of it, so at least it would be pleasant to see how much time is just rushing by toward another decision in another 5 years.
you could sell it for money to afford a trip to Disney World...go through the Pirates of the Carribean ride where Johnny Depp (as Captain Jack) will be waiting for many times as you care to ride.
Well...better than no options at all. ;)
I chose the camera for you. Because the diamond is not big enough on the necklace and the watch is only gold-plated.
If it were me, I'd check the mega pixels on your camera. If this is as good (or better) I'd go for the camera.
You can never have enough cameras. You need one in each room!
I think they should have given you more and better stuff to choose from. Johnny Depp, for instance. One night with him would make me happy.
Congrats on 30 years. I voted for the watch, seemed sort of traditional.
I voted for the watch but if you end up with something you don't want, it's someone's Christmas gift checked off the list.
Wow, you get nice stuff. I got a mantle clock at my 20th. I get a rocking chair at my 25th (next year). Cripes. If I stay til my 30th, do you think I'll get a smoking jacket? Do they think we all retire to the library after dinner or what?
Anyway, I chose the camera for the same reason Babs did. I'm always running around looking for one of my cameras. They'll become like phones -- you need one in every room.
I wouldn't take this lying down if I were you. I'd protest! Tell them you won't wear deodorant to work until they send you to Disney with Johnny Depp!
However, if you're not the protesting type - or your employers enjoy the sweet smell of sweaty pitts - then I'd take the camera!!
not just because i am a photography addict as my local paper called me, but i have to go with the camera. you will likely get more use from it than the other things. and frankly it's probably a better bang for the buck (not that you are spending). the highest quality item of the choices.
You get to choose your gift??? Lucky! I had no choice and got a cut glass inukshuk for 25 years of teaching. An inukshuk. Cut glass. At least the buffet was good.
You'll capture even more great memories with the camera. The diamond is only big in the photo and the watch? You already have one.
My $.02.
So this isn't an anonymous poll, then.
I picked the watch because your hubby probably got you a nicer camera than that one, and the necklace is "meh." If you really want I'll make you something beaded instead.
Plus, 15 years between watches seems about right. I've had mine for 8 years and I'm not tired of it yet, but then again I picked it out myself.
I love diamonds, but that one is too small. You have a watch. You have a camera, too, but you could keep one in your car or purse. I think it is the best choice.
p.s. in case I win the $3 prize pack, my email is mb32 AT comcast DOT net ;)
Diamond necklace! From what you said, you already have a fine timepiece and a couple of digital camera. While you may not wear fancy jewelry always, you can always wear it to a special occasion. It is also something you can pass on and its value increases over time.
Definitely the camera. All bloggers need at least two. I got a new one and was tempted to sell the old one (still in excellent working order) on Ebay, but Dave convinced me to keep it. I'm glad I did. It takes MUCH better close-up photos than my new one.
Cam!!!! and I love Daisy's rationale...SO funny.
The important thing is to do your research and determine which one will yield the highest amount of cash when you turn around and sell it on ebay! Now the gold watch could be melted down by one of those "I turned in my gold for cash" companies, I suppose.
Oh, and I sent your plea for a date with Johnny Depp to Oprah. She has a habit of granting crazy requests like that. So watch your phone and door bell...
Tough choices. I voted for the necklace but I've changed my mind. Can I do that? Now I'm leaning towards the camera though I don't think you're going to appreciate the quality.
Can you ask for a gift certificate in lieu of the gift?
Jo-Jo: Ha! Well, since then it has fallen to third... And yes, good for you to pick that up ;)
Sistertex: Ooooh a watch with Johnny's face! Now there's a great idea! And I am dreaming of that trip now....
Daisy: Very perceptive, thank you! For a feline, you know your jewellry!
Babs: What a great idea... I am always running to haul it out of my purse I should just keep one handy in a central locale at home.
The Green Stone Woman: Ooooh... one night would be more than enough for me too. If I didn't die of a heart attack first.
Thanks Tara! It certainly doesn't FEEL like 30 years!
Ha Reforming Geek! I wonder if anyone would notice... hmmmm.
Kathy: A rocking chair??? Are you serious? OMG... how old do you have to be to retire? I hit my "Magic 80" in March (age plus years of service) so I can retire anytime after that. Good idea about the camera... looks like a lot of people agree with you!
Har JC! No I think I'll keep the antiperspirant... but I doth protest inside.
PG: I would expect nothing else from you! I only wish it were a fancy schmancy one I could learn to use (with tips from experts like YOU)...
Ugh... Pinklea that sucks. Yes, we get a choice every five years. I certainly don't need another knicknack to collect dust.
Good advice Mamma, thank you!
Julia: Oh you can be anonymous if you wish... but then you wouldn't be eligible for the fantastic $3 gift! Bwaahahahahaha!
Heee Hee Beth! Thank you!
Buy Soma: Well, that it true...
Ah JD, now that is good to know! Yes, it may come in handy... and if I ever want a photo OF my camera (either one) I could use the other to take it! Ha! Okay, I know that was just weird...
JennyMac: Ha! Daisy cracks me up alright. For a cat, she is very smart!
VE: Oh crap. Now I will forever regret never watching Oprah....
Ed, I only WISH we could get cash. Or even a paid day off... it wouldn't even cost them a dime, since no one subs for me and all my work will still be waiting for my return. Oh well...
I'd go with the camera. As you say, one can never have enough of those. Eventually, you'll have so many that there'll always be one at hand to capture those moments that never wait around to see if you have a camera handy! And yes, even that possible Johnny Depp moment that you seem to hanker for... :)
Ah...but the question is, do you want to mail the $3 gift all the way to Australia?! I am Canadian like you, but currently living in Oz. So do yourself a favour and spend less on postage - bestow your lovely gift on someone nearer!
Let us know what you choose.
I am voting for the camera because I am not into gold (prefer white gold myself) although that necklace is elegent and simple, good for everyday wear or fancy occassions. And you can always get something you know you could gift someone else...not that you should give away your work reward, but if you don't want it...
Oh Tony... don't even SAY that. I think I would literally pass out if he ever came within camera range.
Lady Banana: I do hope you do; and that you get to choose too. But hopefully your choices will be easier to make!
Julia: Oh, I wouldn't mind sending something down there... especially to a Canuck! I will indeed let everyone know who wins!
Vegas Princess: Well, it looks like a lot of others agree with your choice; the camera is way out in front in the poll!
I think I'm too late on this one. Any of those seem like really nice gifts, especially a choice of gifts! We just get a little pin every five years. Whatever you ended up choosing, I hope you enjoy!!!!! (Going to read ahead to see if you tell what you chose!)
Nice post. really very interesting things are said in this post. keep up the good job dude.
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