
ShortbreadBecause the panic spirit of the Christmas season has finally descended upon me, this weekend was filled with with decorating, shopping, card making and holiday baking.

With all of that squeezed into just two days, the last batch of shortbread was coming out of the oven near the midnight mark last night. Needless to say at that hour after a busy weekend, daughter and I began to get a tad goofy; without alcohol, I confess.

When she asked if we had any tree-shaped cookie cutters, I surprised her with not only a tiny pine we must have picked up some-the-heck-where-but-I-can't-remember place, I also found a matching tiny Gingerbread man. Seeing the tree reminded me of my bloggy friend Jeff's post about his Christmas tree "mishap" this year so I related the story to daughter since they have met a couple of times.

Then the silliness kicked in when her trees were starting to come out, let's say, a bit wonky.

Things just took off from there.

Now Jeff will TRY to convince you that his prized Christmas tree simply fell off his trailer on its way home. But we know better. Here, in all it's butter-and-sugary glory, is the TRUE story of what happened to Jeff's Christmas Tree:

See Jeff. See Jeff buy a Christmas tree. See Jeff smile as he is happy with his beautiful tree.
Jeff is HappySee Jeff drive down the highway with his beautiful Christmas tree in tow. See Jeff discover his un-tied down beautiful Christmas tree has suddenly disappeared from his trailer.
Jeff is ShockedSee Jeff search for his poor, lost beautiful Christmas tree. See Jeff wander into the Forest of Minnesota, unaware of the deadly Forest Ninjas who dwell there.
Jeff is in DangerSee Jeff finally come upon the dismembered formerly-beautiful Christmas tree. See Jeff become sad.
Jeff is SadSee the Forest Ninja celebrate his latest victory.
Forest NinjaSo now you know the real story.

Yup. Daughter sure put those new red and green glitter gel icing tubes to good use this year. Let's just say I am thrilled we didn't discover these things when she was three.

Cookie Artist

A presentation of:
I Heart CookiesProductions, Inc.

44 People would rather be commenting:

JD at I Do Things said...

What a beautiful and heart-warming tale!

Wait, no, it wasn't! It was a sad and terrifying tale of a broken tree and an evil forest ninja!

Well, at least we know the real story.

Now about Jeff. He sure looks delicious. You don't think he'd mind if I just bit off an arm, do you?

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

How exciting! You know you're somebody when you've been immortalized as a Christmas cookie. And way to capture the story too. Drama, tension and an evil ninja! It just doesn't get any better than that. :-)

Unknown said...

If they're from Minnesota, they're probably Lutheran forest ninjas. Even more deadly.

Anonymous said...

Lutherans are God's frozen people, after all...

AshPup said...

Story good, cookies better! Om nom nom I wanna eat a ninja!

JoJo said...

That is AWESOME!!! I love the cookie pictures! Forest Ninja is adorable!

Jeff, before you get too excited about becoming a Christmas cookie, remember, the head always gets bitten off first! ;p

Daisy said...

Love, love, love the cookie illustrations!

Janet said...

Just one question -- Did you eat the illustrations once the blog post was done? ;-)

Nice to see a picture of your lovely daughter, Maureen!

Momo Fali said...

Brilliant. Just brilliant.

Babs-beetle said...

Love that story! I can just imagine you both giggling as you were creating it. Daughter looks a lot like mum :)

ReformingGeek said...

Good job. I love the illustrations!

Me want cookie! Me want cookie NOW!

Poor Jeff. ;-(

Anonymous said...

I think there's a career in there somewhere - a cookie cartoon creator! Nice job, Maureen's daughter!

Heather (aka Cookie Master) said...

forest ninjas are deadly. :)

thanks for all of your lovely comments :)

Maureen said...

JD: I don't think he'd mind, would you Jeff? Daughter already tried to get me to eat him.... "Here! Eat Jeff!!!" she taunted. There was no way.

Jeff: Yes you are now immortal - as long as the cookie lasts at least. Glad you liked it!

Ahahaha Kevin, you are absolutely right. How did you know?

Anon: Har!!! The Frozen Chosen! Or should that be the Chosen Frozen????

Ashley: We are going to have to save one for you... hopefully he lasts another week ;)

LOL JoJo! I can't bring myself to eat Jeff, nevermind chomping off his head!

Thank you Daisy! I can't come close to YOUR Sunday comics though... now there's professional work!

Janet: I haven't eaten any of the cast, but I can't speak for daughter... and thank you!

Thanks Momo! What a daughter and mother will do in the middle of the night...

Babs: You are absolutely right. Much giggling ensued as the story got sillier and sillier. How / why she came up with a Ninja is beyond me. And yes, poor kid does resemble moi; we are often told so when we are out shopping together.

Reforming Geek: Perhaps we should make this an ongoing feature; cookies in the shapes of our favorite bloggers. Now THAT could be interesting!

Pinklea: I think you are right; I can just see a show on the Food Network now.

Cookie Master: You're a good kid and excellent cookie maker / decorator there too.

Bart said...

I can't wait for the sequel

choochoo said...

but if forest ninja happy or sad? It's always hard to tell with ninjas.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Yummy! All stories should be illustrated with cookies from now on!

Bruce Johnson said...

After reading that story......I'm hungry.

Cupcake Blonde said...

Now I feel like I need to have a good enough story for you to cookie-ize me in delicious shortbread. :)

Ed said...

You really made the story come to life. I thought the whole--they forgot to tie it down thing--was a bit too far fetched.

Now the ninja thing, That's believable.

cardiogirl said...

Man, this. Was. AWESOME!

If I wasn't so lazy I'd try to bake cookies and tell a story about something (anything) on my blog.

Oh Lord in heaven. What if you had a contest in which the prize was your rendering, via cookie art, of a blog post from the lucky winner?

Please let me win.

p.s. Um, can I have that shortbread recipe?

nonamedufus said...

Were you guys sniffing that glitter gel?

Ed & Jeanne said...

I'm so glad that Jeff's embarassing tirades provides so much rich blog fodder everywhere. I want to do a jeff post now too!

DJ Kirkby said...

Hah! Most enjoyable presentation! Those shortbread cookies look yummy. We've been busy making Christmas cupkies - recipe is on my blog. N3S loves decorating with those icing tubes but I don't see how he can eat the cookies after, ick.

Jay said...

Well, that was a fun post! LOL!

Sorry about Jeff's tree, but ..well, he shoulda tied it down! :(

JoJo said...

Maureen - I posted a slide show of my handmade holiday cards, if you want to take a gander at them, since you make cards too! :)

Swubird said...


Forget the tree. I finally bought a fake one. I now, bad. But I got tired of driving ow the road and paying through the nose for those trees. However, I would give my right arm for a pile of those cookies. I am the Cookie Monster!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Maureen said...

Darnit, this "real life" thing is getting in the way of my blogging duties!

be.bart: Well, you might have to wait a year for a sequel in shortbread, however, I just may have to do another with a different baked item!

Oh Choochoo, Ninja was happy. He was also delicious.

Perpetual Chocoholic: I agree. Especially CHOCOLATE cookies, no?

Ha Bruce! After making all those cookies, I wasn't! (I "test" whilst cooking way too often, I guess)

It was fun Lady Banana! Who would've thought that at 18, daughter would still want to bake with me?

Vegas Princess: Ha! Your stories are excellent! I would just have to find some "interesting" shaped cookie cutters, that's all ;)

I know Ed. Jeff thinks he could fool us all. But the truth had to come out sometime.

OMG Cardiogirl... do you know how awesome that idea is??? I do think I need to do that. Here's the shortbread recipe: 1 lb butter, 3.5 cup flour, 1 cup icing sugar, 1/3 cup cornstarch. Mix cornstarch in after mixing in 1 cup of the flour. Roll out, cut and bake at 325 for about 8 minutes until lightly browned edges appear. Happy Holidays!

Nonamedufus: If only we had something like that to blame it on. Unfortunately, the gel was neither spiked nor flavored. We couldn't even blame it on a sugar high...

VE: You should. Poor Jeff. I would hate to be immortalized at YOUR blog... ;)

DJ: Ha! Yes, too much of a good thing CAN be bad, no??

Thanks Jill!

You're right, Jay. It serves him right to be attacked by Ninjas. ;)

Oh Jo-Jo! Those are terrific! You made each one differently? Holy crap, I can only think of one design per year. I am quite impressed!

Dear Swubird Cookie-Monster: Ha! Well, I wish I could send you some. Instead, I'll send you wonderful Holiday Wishes. And yes, we have always had a fake tree, save one year we tried the real thing. I couldn't stand the sap sticking to everything so we are artificial tree huggers forever.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

I must say, that was a fun post. And these comments prove just how sympathetic everyone is to my plight (not... haha). Or should I say my pathetic plight?

i Trading Tricks said...

Those cookies are really great - I wanna take a ninja - lol

Anonymous said...

I just bumped into your bolg by chance and I started reading the posting about Jeff's tree, and the cookie-toons. It was pretty funny hahaha!! I enjoyed it very much and you made my christmas day even happier:) It looks like the rest of the blogs are equally as interesting.

Alicia said...

Hahaha, how cute. Love the Jeff story and the cookies. Very creative and glad you spent time with your daughter.

Anonymous said...

You own the bloggin world :P haha seriously! merry christamas <3 and i wish i was lucky enough to taste those delicious looking cookies.

Anonymous said...

Amazing! :)

Anonymous said...

I like your pictures.

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Botha youse are so adorable if you could get into HEAVEN just on thy looks, you'd definitely make it. But, yet, I know you will on your indelible intuitiveness. When botha youse get up there, I'm having a BIG-OL party celebrating our resurrection lasting for more than a LOOOOONG time. Won't you join us? You're all invited. You're more than welcome. God bless.

SFF said...

Man oh man, do I love cookies too. Your blog is one of the best in blogs of note in some time. It's a fun little place to visit. Well done.

Anonymous said...

awww..adorable puppy & cookies!!

God Bless & Merry Holidays!!

Joei R. said...

Those cookies look good. But I don't understand why they're talking. Reply back to Mr. J at -Mr.J

Wendy said...

"I'm sad" LOL!

Maureen said...

Ha Ha Jeff! No, not pathetic, but thank you for the inspiration... ;)

MuviCut: I think daughter should mass produce Ninja cookies. She could be rich! Then I could live off her....

Aw, Anon, thank you so much! Glad I could make you laugh.

Alicia: Yeah, the time spent together is the bestest part, well, eating the cookies come in a close second too.

You're awesome Cool Dude! Thanks!

Thanks Marina!

And thank you too Dean!

Kold Kadaver flatliner: Ummmm... thank you? Ha!

Aw Sci-Fi Fanatic, you are too kind! Thank you so much (blushing).

Reading and Wrighting: Happy Holidays to you as well!!!!

Joei R: What, you've never seen cookies talk before??? ;) And yes, they were delicious too.

Ann: 8) They were especially sad when we bit into them...

2416966 said...

ohh wow you are very creative...

Maureen said...

2416966: Thanks, but daughter was far more creative. She came up with the Ninja. From where, I have nooooo idea...

2416966 said...

ohh well its still a great idea

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