NOT An Old Fogie

Firstly: HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2010 holds many great things for us all.Happy New Year!Secondly: As a new year begins, one cannot help but ponder the passage of time on a personal level. Yes, I realize I am getting... gak!... "Older". But at least I'm not like hubby who is getting "Old Fogier". I see it happening before my eyes. The guy who once rocked out to Zeppelin is the same one who recently, upon waking to the clock radio on the morning of his 51st birthday, uttered the following Old Fogie Standard: "Geez, they'll make a song about ANYTHING nowadays."

I couldn't resist (like any good wife should) pointing out his Old Fogie-ness yet again. "Um, honey, you DO know that Carly Rae Jepsen's 'Bucket Song' is sampling a very old song, don't you?"

He didn't answer... probably feigning selective deafness once more; another O.F. trait. Especially for married male O.Fs.

I refuse to become an O.F. However, at times I have a sneaking suspicion my age may be creeping up. A titch. It irritates me to no end when I find myself having a "Senior Moment". Like yesterday whilst in the shower. (Ha! Got you interested NOW, don't I?)

I mean, how hard can it be to keep only two things straight? I have my shampoo and I have my liquid body soap. Extremely familiar items I have used correctly thousands of times before.

Until yesterday when I squeezed out a whopping blob of liquid body soap into my hand and absent-mindedly slapped it up on my scalp.
"Oh, that's not too bad," you are thinking (I know you are; don't deny it).

Well perhaps it wouldn't have been problematic if the liquid soap wasn't jam packed with a kajillion itsy-bitsy skin-exfoliating pumice granules.

Ever try to get a kajillion itsy-bitsy skin-exfoliating pumice granules out of your hair? It's not easy.

Or fun for that matter.

I doubt scalp-exfoliation will ever catch on. At least for non-baldy-type people.

* Sigh. *

I'm just thankful I was in the shower....

... and even more thankful that hubby didn't witness my Senior Moment.

Yes, mine are called Senior Moments.... because I am NOT an Old Fogie.

68 People would rather be commenting:

BM said...

A big Happy New year from me and my family to you and yours! :)

Jackie said...

lol that's hilarious! thanks for the good read , I needed that. Happy New Year!

Kevin said...

You should try one of those "Brain Enhancing" video games. I'm sure there's a "Blue Bottle/Red Bottle" level in one of them...


J said...

Hahaha. Happy New Year.
Hopefully you will get it right by the next shower.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Congrats on your blogs of note. Happy New Year from a Scots lass in South Africa.

and you're right, you're not an old foggie.

usernamessuckfully said...

haha oh this made me laugh thanks btw don't worry we all have senior moments mine was putting butter in the freezer and leaving it there for like a day happy new year

Flory said...

I'm so grateful I've found your blog.
Happy New Year from Philippines.
Pls visit my blog if you have time. Thanks.

Regular Betty said...

Being that i constantly go to the fridge/cupbard etc and forget what i was even there for, i worry gravely for my future. Quite frankly, it sounds like your doing pretty ay okay (despite a minor mishap). Happy New Year!

Irene said...

I try to avoid old fogey moments by not doing anything complicated. I keep everything as simple as possible. Less chances of messing up. I live alone, so I never look ridiculous. Happy New Year!

Ceramix said...

Compliments of the season to you from England.

Heather said...

Oh no! That's pretty funny though!!

CorvusCorax12 said...

to funny lol...Happy New Year

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Happy new year!:) Great blog, you're so funny!


Anonymous said...

I think the fact that you have a blog tells everyone, you are NOT a fogie. My mum has trouble turning on her computer and wonders why she can't open a .jpeg file in Microsoft Word. She also complains about music and tells of the days that actresses didn't need to take their clothes off to be popular...=)

feefifoto said...

Heh. If you don't enjoy scraping granules out of your hair, let me recommend that you never slosh beaten eggs through your hair and rinse with very hot water. Just a hunch -- I think you won't like it.

Happy New Year.

Tutus and Choo-Choos said...

That could have happened to anyone! Chalk it up to you had your eyes closed, you were tired, you needed your glasses, etc.

Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

I just bought that exfoliate body wash :D Smells pretty good if you do put it in your hair ;)

ReformingGeek said...


Of course you're not a Fogie!

I once used conditioner thinking it was shampoo (talk about bottles looking alike) and it took me awhile to figure out why it would never lather up.

Yes, I needed my glasses to read the word "CONDITIONER" on the bottle.


Happy 2010!

Curly Glamour Girlie said...

I wouldn't blame that on a senior moment - I'd blame it on a morning shower before coffee!

Carley said...

That is Hilarious!, I just started to follow your blog and its really cool! I like it. Oh I love your layout.. wish i could find a good one for myself, but i'm still searching!. I'm looking forward to reading more throughout the new year! Happy New Year

Janet said...

lol I'm thankful you were in the shower, too. If you'd been exfoliating almost anywhere OTHER than the shower, then we'd all have something to worry about in 2010! lol

Happy New year to you, your furbabies, and your family!

Carla Buchanan said...

You don't look like an old fogie to me! And I am sure the body shampoo is good for your hair too. Why do they make so many products anyway? Don't you think they all do just about the same thing?

Ivan Toblog (aka IT) said...

Senior moment is only a euphemism for brain fart. Those are what us O.F. have.

Sandy said...

I've done that! I am 27 :/

MahoneyMusings said...

Ha! Around my house we call those moments brain farts. We're classy that way.

Patty said...

Having just recently discovered your little gem of a blog, I've thoroughly enjoyed your entries!

Oh...and from one femme non O.F. to another...
Have a wonderful New Year! Looking forward to reading more from you!

caroldiane said...

Yes, this older stuff is slowly catching up with us - I am with you resisting with all my limbs - Happy New Year to you and yours!!

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Bet you don't have dandruff today;-)

Babs-beetle said...

Well if you think that's a senior moment, wait 'til you hear forgot what it was ;)
Happy New Year!

Lynn said...

Hooo boy! I've done the same types of things before. Although right now and true to form, I can't remember the details...

Funny post. Thanks for sharing!

Jeff said...

Happy New Year!

Snorre said...

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JoJo said...

LMAO!!! Good one Maureen! That's OK, the other day I went to get my mid morning apple out of my lunch bag and discovered that for some reason, I'd packed the tub of cream cheese instead. My boss got quite a laugh out of it. Then there was the day I caught myself putting the cereal in the fridge.

SFF said...

You tell your Led rockin old fogie, I get him! My own personal reminder, The One To Be Pitied, is right there to call me an old codger whenever I get a little grizzled at what I see happening around me in this world. Anyway, HNY! Turn up a little Misty Mountain Hop and keep rockin the good fight!

Gigi said...

I too am married to an OF but yet, he somes to be rubbing off on me...I find myself doing some of the same darn things! But I do love that body scrub! It smells wonderful - can't imagine trying to get those granules out of my hair though....

2416966 said...

lol that was hilarious and happy new year....

just wanna be happy♥ said...

how do you make your blog look so awesome? happy new year by the way!

Ed said...

Aren't you glad you don't keep Nair in the shower?

Maureen said...

Bob: Thank you and Happy New Year to you and yours as well!!!

Jackie: Aw, thanks... Happy New Year too!

Kevin: Ha! I definitely need to check that out...

Jennifer: Gad I hope so. Happy new Year!

Welcome and thank you Gillian! Happy New Year from Canada!

usernamessuckfully: Ha! You are very welcome. Happy New Year to you too!

Welcome Flory, and thank you! Happy New Year from Canada!

Ha Regular Betty! That sounds JUST like me... my condolences. ;) Happy New Year to you as well!

Yes, The Green Stone Woman: I need to simplify. I also need more time alone, obviously. ;) Happy New Year!

Aw, Ceramix, welcome and thank you so much! Glad you dropped by! Happy Holidays to you too!

Heather: It's only funny later. Much later when my hair was de-pumicified.

Thanks Twain12, Happy New Year to you too!

TirzahLaughs said...

My sister showered without her glasses and put lotion in her hair but she didn't blame herself. She said that's why she had kids...someone to blame for moving crap and causing

Can you blame someone else? LOL.


Maureen said...

Aw Marina, thank you so much! Welcome!

Ahahaha Hiedi! Yeah, I am trying my best to keep old age at bay; having a teenager helps. Helps a lot.

Ha FeeFiFoto! You didn't DO that, did you???? Happy New Year!

TutusandChooChoos: Awesome! You are wonderful at excuses. I will call upon you the next time I need one. Which should be soon. Very soon. Happy New Year!

Lindsay: You are right. It smells delicious. I just hope I never get another senior moment with it and try to taste it....

Hahahaha ReformingGeek! Happy 2010 to you too! Yeah, luckily conditioner wasn't around. I cringe to think what the heck I would have done with THAT.

You're right Curly Glamour Girlie! I need to use that reasoning for each and every senior moment I have in the morning. Or afternoon. Or night...

Maureen said...

The Perks of Being Young and Married: Aw, thank you! Glad you stopped by! Happy New Year to you and yours as well.

Ha Lady Banana! Yeah, unfortunately these things are getting all too familiar... Happy 2010!

Janet: I am glad too! All the best to your family, Lily and Tinsel too! Here's to another great year of bloggy friendship!

Carla: Thank you! And you are absolutely right! Soap is soap, no? Well, without all that extra stuff in it, it is I guess...

Yep, Ivan, BFs ARE the same. But I still hate it when I experience them.

Oooh Sandy, so sorry to hear that.... ;)

MahoneyMusings: Ahahahaha, yeah, "classy!"

Aw, Patty, welcome and thank you!!! So glad you found me; Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you as well Caroldiane! Fight the good fight!

Maureen said...

Ha! Perpetual Chocoholic! No I can't say I do; unless I missed some pumice, that is...

Ahahahaha Babs!!! You slay me. Happy New Year to you and Mo!

Allegria: Hee! You're welcome! Thanks!

Happy New Year to you and yours too Jeff!!!

Har Jo-Jo! Yep, that's quite a few Senior Moments alright!!

Oh Yeah! Old Codger! Another good term for Old Fogie Sci-Fi Fanatic! HNY to you and your "The One To Be Pitied" too!

OH Gigi: I hope to heck MY OF is not contagious!!! Gad!

Happy New Year and thanks 2416966!

Aw, Haydee, thank you! Happy New Year!

OMG Ed!!!! I never thought of that! Holy crap, that could be bad....

Tirz: Oh how I WISH I could blame someone else... that would be wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! that happened to me once. I put the body wash in my hair. my hair was so scary looking at that point. I thought I ruined my hair but it was fine after a few days....

Important phone numbers,

Riz said...

Senior moment is pretty common these days in my house as well. My friend once liberally applied Pantene ultra shine shampoo on her arms thinking it was Jergens. LOL! Happy New Year!


MooBeeTees said...

Still laughing after 10 minutes - not at you, with you! Have you tried hairspray under the arms yet!!!

jay said...

Haha! How familiar this is to me! Of course, it's OH who is the Old Fogey, not yours truly. No, I am merely challenged by lack of sleep, or distraction, when I put the clean teaspoons in the teabag pot.

Happy 2010!

Anonymous said...

With my friends we are all fairly young still but we are starting to see the signs creep up on us ever so slowly..

Richard said...

Haha, pumice soap is always not fun! Happy New Year to you and yours!

lolo mo may glasses said...

Excuse me ma'am, this is gonna be a totally random 'comment' but I've been itching to tell about this -

I think he/she copied the concept and other stuff in your blog. I've checked even the photos he used in the search button... But it'd be wrong to accuse him/her because I just happened to passed by it that's all.

Hope you didn't find this offensive or anything rather bad.

Brenda Grolle said...

Happy New Year! And if that's as bad as it gets, you're in for a great year. :)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your blog. :)

Becca said...

Just found your blog! I enjoyed reading it and look forward to future posts! Happy New Year!

Sistertex said...

OMG....I am not alone on this mental 'trip' I am on at the age of 55. Yep just turned the double nickel about 2 weeks ago. I tell you I have even gotten out of the shower forgetting to rinse the conditioner out of my hair. Not realizing it until I discover an oil slick while trying to dry it.And then stood there debating if I was going in for a second rinse or if I could just exclaim the oil slick as the latest and greatest style for women over 50.

It is comforting to know there are others and I am not alone in this world. Bless you.

AND Happy New Year!

MurfreesboroMom said...

Happy New Year! Love, Love, Love your blog!

ROOM 240 said...

No need to worry.Worse things could have happened.

Maureen said...

Ha Anon! A few days???? Hopefully they were spent indoors ;)

Hahahaha Riz! That's a good one too. Glad to hear I'm not the only one. Happy New Year to you too!

MooBee Tees: OMG... now that's a visual I'll not lose for awhile. Ack!!!!

Yes Jay, I fully agree. We are DISTRACTED.... yep, sounds good to me. Happy 2010 to you as well.

Oooh, that doesn't sound good Dokirabbit.... not good at all. ;)

Happy New Year to you as well Richard! And thank you!

Aw, Silver, you are too sweet to let me know. But thankfully, no they are just using the Notepad Chaos template that is free, and is what I used to "tweak" to my own design. Perfectly legal... but again, thank you for being so nice to point it out! All the best!

Ha! I hope so Brenda! Although I highly doubt it.

Aw, Malou, you are too kind to say. Thank you and welcome!

Becca, thanks! How sweet to say, er, write! Welcome and Happy New Year!

Ahahahaha Sistertex! So funny about the conditioner. Yes, I can just see myself pondering the odds of trying to pass off pumice as the newest hair fad. You never know.

MurfreesboroMom: Aw, and I Love, Love, Love your comment! Thank you and Happy New Year!!!

Room 240: That's what worries me. Things CAN get worse. And they will. Not that I am a pessimist. I just surprise myself at what I manage to screw up is all.

Jifr said...

Now THAT gets a smile. I have MS and those kinds of moments happen to me ALL the time.... and I'm not even CLOSE to being an O.F.

I just started my blog today and I've been puttering around. I'm glad I stumbled by!

Bruce Johnson said...

I knew I was approaching old fogie-dom when I walked down the geratric aisle at my local drug store and found a whole bunch of stuff that I really wanted to try out. In a way it was great, but also depressing.

Maureen said...

Jifr: I'm glad you stumbled by too! Welcome! I shall have to pop by yours!

Bruce: Ahahahaha! Yeah, now THERE'S a sure sign. Yikes.

Kandia said...

LOL!!! Love the "head" and "body" taped on there as a reference. Can't blame you though, it's easy to grab one or the other without really looking. Your blog gave me a good laugh. Congrats on Blog of Note.

CLICK HERE said...

cool post i enjoy reading!

Anonymous said...

Don't go in for this old fogie stuff. I've discovered that each stage of our lives there are joys to match. One of my best partners was a 68 year old lady who passed away a few years ago and left us all flat with grief. Its in the charm and friendship. When you give up the world gives up with you. I'm starting to paint with acrylics too. I've got lots of hope for the future with that and I'm 59 on Boxing Day last. Love to you, too, lady.

Anonymous said...

I'm only 30, but I tend to do things like that all the time. Like yesterday when I was putting away dishes and went to put the frying pan in the fridge.

Cupcake Blonde said...

Did you really label your bottles? Because that is just too perfect! :)

Maureen said...

Aw thank you Kandia! Welcome!

Thanks ClickHere....

Thank you Bryan! How very kind of you to say.

Ahahaha Lizzyland! That's hilarious!

Vegas Princess: Well, the writing on the bottles is to small for these old eyes, you know! ;)

Tushar joshi said...

A big Happy New year from me and my family to you and yours! :)

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