Okay, now there's a coincidence. I didn't even realise this was about to happen when I made the last post. Really.
It was announced today that we (Winnipeg, Manitoba) are indeed the Slurpee Capital of the World for the EIGHTH year in a row! As today is Slurpee Day (7/11) and their 80th birthday, each 7-11 is handing out 1,000 free Slurpees. Woo Hoo! (as Homer would say).
Gots me a free Slurpiccino (the jury's still out on whether that's the best way to start the day), as well as my bumper sticker and these little goodies:
Mmm...PINK Frosting donuts.
With stickers inside too! What a way to wake up and shake uncontrollably from a massive sugar overload.
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jp said...
So what's the deal with Slurpees and Winnipeg? Why do you 'spose they're so popular? I believe that Des Moines, Iowa, where I'm from, is the Jello capital of the world. No clue why that is, either, other than the propensity of dreaded "jello salads" that appear at potlucks.
11/7/07 11:53
I have no idea.... I do know Canadian Slurpees are "wetter" than the US ones (your machines inject air into yours).
Must be we are crazy enough to drink them whilst trudging thru 6 feet of snow at - 40 celcius....
Yeah, that's probably it!
11/7/07 12:30
Heather said...
That is so funny! I had no idea! I don't think I've ever had a slurpee either. An icee, but not a slupee. And I didn't know they can in Slurpiccino either!
11/7/07 14:26
Ingrid said...
The Slurpiccino sounds a little scary but the donuts look delicious. I wish Brewer was famous for something cool. I think it's actually the "Crusty Old Man" capital of the United States.
11/7/07 23:31
melissa said...
wow I had no idea-lol. and yay for free slurpees, thats a definite plus ;)
those donuts are to cool!-and of course they look mighty yummy too
12/7/07 04:42
You know, I HAD to go back after work and pick up more donuts for 2 reasons:
1) To get all the stickers
2) Because they were SURPRISINGLY good!!! I was actually shocked they were so fresh.
So now my freezer is filled with pink donuts and I have the complete sticker collection (I hope).
12/7/07 08:39
Lara said...
I recently did a meme that included my favorite Slurpee flavor and I didn't even KNOW because I haven't even seen a slurpee in years! Used to go get them all the time when I was little.
Guess I know where I need to go if I ever get a hankering for one...
12/7/07 14:55
Jill said...
Yum! Actually those donuts look REALLY yum, pink food coloring & all...
12/7/07 16:36
Vegas Princess said...
Ahhh! We got a 7-11 that was transformed into a Kwik-E-Mart for the Simpsons Movie and it is so cool! I got free Mountain Dew slurpees from there the other day and took my picture with Homer. I am such a dork.
15/7/07 23:22
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