And So It Begins...

Tawnee's first glimpse of snowAbout three weeks late, but it's finally here. The event that truely gets me into the Christmas spirit.

The Santa Claus parade?

Nuh, uh.

Good St. Nick's appearance at the mall?

Nope. Neither of those... it's:


Until now, seeing Christmas lights and outdoor decorations on grass just looked wrong. Wrong for "Winterpeg", that is. You see, when you live in "The Christmas Capital of Canada" (an official title, by the way), the holidays and snow go hand-in-hand.

I could never live in the south, obviously. Nope. No way. Not in December, at least.

First SnowBefore the white stuff falls, I can't mentally get myself to the Christmas spirit. I'm unable to really concentrate on shopping.

"I have plenty of time to make my Christmas cards." I kid myself.

"It's too early to start baking shortbread!" I think foolishly.

Heck, yesterday the geese were still swimming on the lakes. A few days ago we enjoyed an unseasonable 17 degrees celcius. I even had plants on the deck that were green and growing.

TawneeAnd then, in a matter of hours everything changed. Now the outdoor lights twinkle off the white crystals covering the pine trees, a holiday card springing to life. The Christmas carols playing in the stores aren't so hard to listen to. I can even stomach the holiday commercials that have been playing on TV for oh, about a month now.

So it's here.


Now I'll go into panic mode that I don't have my cards, decorations, lights, baking or shopping done yet...

12 People would rather be commenting:

Cupcake Blonde said...

I must admit, as much as I hate dealing with snow (it is one of the main reasons we moved to the desert) I miss it around the holidays. Christmas doesn't feel quite right when it is 75 degrees outside.

toners said...

Yeah! Congrats on your first snow! We're expecting some here on Wednesday...just in time to put up the Christmas tree! Your photos are gorgeous too.

Anonymous said...

You're in "Winterpeg"? I had no idea. Here in "Deadmonton" we are still waiting for the first big dump of snow. We've had a small bit, but it's all melted. It better be a white Christmas, or I'm going to get all pissy.

The Egel Nest said...

I can't wait for the first snow is suppose to be 60 tomorrow! Where is winter???

The Egel Nest

Boatwoman said...

Last night we had our first snow of the winter also. Although living in a boat we did not see much of it as we have porthole for windows, but when I did put my head out to gert the ash bucket it was snowing, sadly it did not lay long.

mr zig said...

Loved the pictures you took of the street - with the frozen bits on your window! -

I'm also very excited about winter... I love winter - especially at the beginning... (later on, near the end I'll be wishing that its summer of course, but for now I can't wait for dumps and dumps of snow)

Curly Glamour Girlie said...

Yikes. Snow always bothers me for some reason.

I decided on no tree this year and have 5/6 of my Christmas shopping done. Whatever I don't get done by next week will be gotten off of catalogue websites. I'm not stepping foot in a mall 3 weeks away from my due date!

AshPup said...

I'm so jealous! Christmas officially starts on Friday here (after yankee thanksgiving). I agree it feels strange to stroll through an outdoor mall to christmas tunes and decor. I can't wait to come home for the holidays!
Oh, and Go Bombers!

Jill said...

Wow, snow...I think we're still supposed to get to 80 here!

Canadian flake said...

we haven't had snow yet in this part of Ontario...but it is expected to appear in the next few days...guess we will see

DJ Kirkby said...

Love your cat pic, sooo sweet!

Ann(ie) said... beautiful and just in time for the holiday. I love that little kitty in the window, too.
Happy Belated turkey day, girlie.

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