Gone With The Weekend

Good thing it's a lazy Sunday. Even with the extra hour, I'm sacked. Maybe it has something to do with staying up late last night watching "Gone With The Wind".

Yup, all four hours. In one sitting.

Okay, well, I did get up to nosh... but still. It's a long movie. Verrrrry long. I've watched it countless times, but rarely from start to finish.

Coincidentally, just a few days ago yet another sequel to the famous tale was announced. (Others include "Scarlett" which was received with mixed reviews in 1992, and "The Wind Done Gone" which I have yet to read). You can read more about "Rhett Butler's People" here. All this talk about Tara reminds me of something that happened at work years ago.

When I was an office manager at the hospital, two of our clerks were temporarily housed in a very old building that was due for demolition. At the time, they were the only people working there; all the other rooms had been vacated for decades. When moving them out just days before it was knocked down, I was told by the building landlord that if we saw any furniture we could use, we were welcome to remove it as well. In one of those other vacant offices, I came across a very old wooden desk I thought would be cool to have. I tested the drawers and inside one, I was surprised to find this:

Gone With The Wind

Gone With The WindIt may not be a first edition, but it is an early printing. First published in 1936, this one is from 1938; the year before the movie was made. Clocking in at over 1000 pages, I love reading all the extra scenes that believe it or not, weren't in the movie. It's one of my favorite things.

Of course, I'll always wonder who the heck "Bill" and "Dorothy" are...

Gone With The Wind inscription

18 People would rather be commenting:

Anonymous said...

Maureen -- I've never seen Gone With the Wind in its entirety. Incredible, isn't it?

What a fantastic find in the desk! And how is the desk? Did you keep it? Where is it now?

Maureen said...

Kathy: I think MOST people have never seen the whole movie. I don't think I've watched the Wizard of Oz or The Godfather from start to finish, because when they play on TV they are so long it always seems like I see the same parts over and over...

As for the desk, it turned out not to be in good enough shape to use after all. But I sure was glad I checked it out anyway!

Cupcake Blonde said...

That is my favorite thing about antiques. You never know what you may find inside.

As big a movie buff I am, I can not believe I have never ever seen "Gone With The Wind."


Amie Adams said...

What a terrific find!!

I love, love, love that book. The movie can never hold up.

Unknown said...

Never read the book. But I can relate to the idea of being wiped out, even though we had an extra hour's sleep ... I don't think it was enough.

Christine said...

Maureen was an idiot. She bought GWTW for her husband, thinking it would be a sweet, romantic gesture.

Bill, however, was a man, and couldn't bear to read more than the war stuff, and the parts where maybe Rhett was going to get it on with a prostitute. So he left it at work, even when he retired 25 years later.

That's why the book was in such good condition, when you found it.

toners said...

Wow! Great post! I've seen the movie twice through, I think, but haven't read the book...now you've got me curious....

Maureen said...

LOL! Christine!!! But it was Dorothy who was the idiot, not me , just for the record ;) Great story! I could see that it might be true.

Daughter and I have wondered if Dorothy and Bill were married. But it just says "from Dorothy" and not "Love Dorothy", though. So daughter thought perhaps it still was a married couple, but in 1938 it was too taboo to write "Love".... we shall never know, I guess.

I will have to remember your story; it was hilarious!!!!

Heather said...

What an awesome find! Wooo! GWTW is my absolute favorite movie of all time. And the book is 10 times better. For those of you who *saw* the sequel, Scarlett, rather than *reading* it...go back and read it. The movie was a disaster, but the book is great. I've read it 6-7 times at least. But it does follow the BOOK GWTW...and there are definitely lots of big things left out from book to movie, so you need to read the book! :) Interesting that there will be another sequel...I'm off to look that up!

Creative-Type Dad said...

4 hours is a long, long time for a movie.

You're brave.

Christine said...

Ah, yes, see, that's what happens when I post, without sleep or sufficient caffeine. I fully realize you are NOT an idiot.

I, however, clearly am in the running, today....

Melissa said...

my mom and I LOVE the GWTW movie therefore I have watched it multiple times and have read the book all the way through as well as the novel 'Scarlett' ;)

and what a find!!

The Egel Nest said...

I just handed you an award :)

Come and get it!

Congratulations, your blog has been hatched!

Bradley Egel
The Egel Nest

Curly Glamour Girlie said...

That's a neat find!!

I was FORCED to watch GWTW in the fifth grade. Who forces that stuff on a fifth grader? And since then I can never even stomach a teeny bit of the movie.

Canadian flake said...

wow what a find...I love that movie but I bet the book would be even better...

Jill said...

So cool!!!!!!!!!!! Four hours of movie watching though????? I'd never make it.

Heather said...

Bringing up a blast from the past here since it was linked to on your most recent post about being in the elevator...ANYHOO...Did you ever actually read "Rhett Butler's People"? Well, *I* did, and I must say I was sorely disappointed. It was all good in that precede GWTW and those that parallel GWTW...then we get to the part about what happens *after* Rhett leaves. Ugh. Hated it. I had really hoped the write would follow "Scarlett" and show Rhett's perspective from that, but no such luck...we have two totally different stories from there on out. Overall, a waste of my time!

Heather said...

Wow. Overlook my typos and odd choice of words in the above comment. I've had a long day. LOL

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