Time Travel
While I
waste spend time surfing the net, one of my favorite radio stations to tune in to is in Sydney, Australia.
I don't know why I get such a kick out of listening to it. Perhaps it's because:
1) I LOVE Australian accents. Heaven help hubby if I should ever get hit on by an Aussie... one word out of his mouth and I'd be putty in his hands. And on a plane to Down Under before you could whistle "Waltzing Matilda".
2) Their seasons are completely opposite to our Canuck ones, so I find it strangely bizarre listening to commercials about termites, gardening and the heat of summer while the snow is piled six feet high up here.
3) It's kind of like Time Travel. While I'm surfing away at 9 pm in the evening, I'm listening to their news and traffic reports from 2 in the afternoon THE NEXT DAY. I mean, really, it's like I know what's going to happen tomorrow!
Actually, I realize I don't. I just like to pretend I do.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to Triple M radio; the same station I was ON about 10 years ago...
Yeah. That one IS a fact.
I'm not pretending this time.
I was interviewed by Andrew Denton on his Breakfast Show along with another Star Wars
I'm sure he was REALLY impressed with the Geek from The Great White North.
Now if I could only travel back in time and tone back on my Nerdiness I might be enjoying a hot summer day today on the beaches of NSW...

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Yes, there's something about those Aussie men...
Give me a good Aussie or British accent and I am mush. I always tell my husband I really should never be allowed to go to either place because I probably would never come home. I love accents. What a cool radio station, I would love to check it out.
There really is something about that accent.
One of my blog friends lives in Australia, and I too am fascinated by her stories of them doing summer things right now. I'm definitely staying warm vicariously through her.
hubba hubba...nothing sexier than a good accent...yummmyyyyyyyyyyyy
I do admit that I like an Australian accent better than an American one and I am a Dutch woman speaking with an American accent, but when I hear an Australian speaking, I want to throw a shrimp on the barbie too. I find that utterly charming and I like "G'day mate." Imagine having some blond, blue eyed, tanned Australian say that to you!
Oh yeah, an Australian accent is very cute....
I totally understand the accent thing, however, it was totally squashed for me when an Aussie joined our company a few years ago. He was a snotty, arrogant, humourless prick and it sort of tarnished the whole Aussie thing for me.
That said, it was my biggest dream as a teenager to backpack through Australia and possibly stay there forever.
I spent a lot of time on the backpacker trail and WAS putty in the hand of a few Aussies...
It's the last populated continent I need to visit and I'm saving it for a time when I can go for three weeks or more because I want to really enjoy the stay there; it looks fascinating and the people there seem to have a great sense of humor.
Momo Fail: You got that right…
Vegas Princess: Ah, British accents do it for me too… and daughter is following in my footsteps; she wants to go to the UK just so she can giggle at the sexy accents.
Mamma: Yeah. It’s unique all right! Especially when paired up with some of their cute sayings.
Jeff: Har! I guess that’s what I’m doing too!
Canadian Flake: Heh, heh. Americans think WE have accents to you know??? ;)
Sweet Irene: OMG… you’ve got me wishing I had one here RIGHT NOW!!!!
Toners: Heh. I know YOU have an accent too, right? Scottish??? Love me that one too.
Huckdoll: It sucks when one person can ruin the image of a whole continent, doesn’t it? Ah, well, I am sure there are a lot of (as Sweet Irene so eloquently put it) “ some blond, blue eyed, tanned Australian” out there for me. Well, at least I can dream there is, anyway.
Don Mills Diva: And you LEFT????? Strong woman.
VE: I want to go too. And you’re right; you need at least a month down there. In the meantime, I can wear the cool shirt from Aussie land I got from my aunt…
Oh, that is soooo cool. I have a shortwave type radio and can pick up stations from around the world at different times of the day. I'm a sucker for Australian accents, too.
I have an inexplicable affinity for things Australian! I listen to Triple M during AFL (Australian Football League) season. They carry the games. Melbourne is the hot bed of 'footy', so it's the Melbourne version.
Footy season starts a week from tonight! I will be staying up to all hours listening to games on the radio over the net. Isn't the net grand!!
Oh, and by the way. WHAT A FABULOUS LOOKING BLOG! I know content it king, but DAYUM!! This site is beautiful!
JP: Just further proof we must have been seperated at birth...
PG: Ah, yes, they talk about "footy" all the time. Quite obsessed about it they are. Aw, and you're making me blush with the kind compliments... thank you so much! I enjoy your blog as well and will be back again to be sure.
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