It's Been A Busy Week
Last week was filled with final preparations and celebrations of Daughter's graduation from high school. After months of planning limos, flowers, parties, purchasing gowns, shoes, jewellry, preparing nails, hair and makeup... the day finally came to Honour the Honour Student with a Wednesday's Grad Dinner, Dance and Safe Grad until 4:30 am, and the Convocation ceremony on Friday morning. Then she was off to do it all over again for her boyfriend's graduation Friday evening until the wee hours of Saturday.
But at least the stress and sleep deprivation of those days would soon be rewarded with a vacation that started Sunday. Daughter, Sam (here modelling her new Patriotic shirt) and I were off in our rented candy apple red Endeavour to Fargo, and now Minneapolis for a week.Yep we're finally here. Our hotel is just blocks away from our final destination; the Mall of America.
So it was with great anticipation that I awoke this morning for an incredibly sinful IHOP breakfast before hitting the Mall for the day.
And so it was with great disappointment that Daughter awoke this morning... sick.

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17 People would rather be commenting:
Congratulations to your daughter! Hope she feels better soon.
Oh noes! Too sick for Mall of America? I hope she feels all better soon.
You mean you'll be in the USA during Canada Day and for our 4th?
Congratulations daughter! Wow! She looks so pretty in that dress. A color I could never get away with. She wears it well.
Have fun at the mall. But, um, will we ever see you again? I've heard people get lost and can't be found for months.
Yeah, but why didn't you take a picture of her. All I see is some woman... I believe an actress or princess? Geez, you'd think you'd at least take a picture of your daughter for the post.
btw... IF you need to stop here for a break... you know the drill. Hey how about Space Aliens? No wait, that's for kids... not Hollywood divas.
Happy Canada Day! The USA would like to present you with some of our debt in recongnition...
Happy Graduation to your Daughter! But boo for her being sick! Maybe a little too much go go go at the end there, too many parties and late nights? I remember I got sick right after my graduation too. Hopefully she will feel better soon and you both can shop the days away!
What a pretty dress! (She looks a lot like you, but don't tell her I said that!!!) Hope she's feeling up to shopping soon, we need to see what Sam is up to.
Your post took me back several years to my own kids, and their individual graduations. It was wonderful to see them so happy and filled with the feeling of accomplishment. Great days.
Too bad about her being sick. Too much partying will do that to a person.
Happy trails.
Daughter looks a lot like mum :)
I hope you have a lot of fun and happy whatever Canada day and 4th of July too!
Oh no! I hope she feels better soon. Congratulations on the graduation though. I'm glad she was well enough to enjoy that!
Shawn: Thanks... she's a trooper. But she's still sick.
Daisy: Thank you so much! We made it to the Mall eventually; there's not much that will keep that gal from shopping.
Jo-Jo: We were there for Canada Day, but came home on the 3rd. It was the first time I wasn't in Canada for Canada Day!
Kathy: Aw, thank you. Yes, she looked lovely in that dress... it brought out her green eyes for sure. Ha! about getting lost in the Mall. But impossible for us to get lost now that we've been there a few times. It's scary how well we know how to navigate 500+ stores. I swear next time I'm bringing a pedometer to see how many miles we put on over a few days there.
Jeff: Aw, you made her blush. Sorry we didn't have time to stop by this time; but I did yell "Hi Jeff!" as we sped by on I-94... I think one time we SHOULD go to Space Aliens together! Har!
VE: Why thank you! And your debt is far less now that we've been by; I mean now that we've been BUYING.
Vegas Princess: Thank you so much! I've been reading these comments to her; she's very grateful for all your kind wishes. She got better enough to shop, but she's still sick, poor kid. And I think you are right; the craziness of the past few weeks have definitely caught up with her.
Aw, thank you Beth! Yes, we are often told there is definitely a resemblance. And never fear; Sam wil return soon with some new adventures in the US of A.
Swubird: I couldn't believe how fast it all happened; it seems like only yesterday I was saying a tearful goodbye to her on her first day of Kindergarden.
Babs-Beetle: Thank you Babs! I made sure to hang a Canada flag on our hotel room window on the first, so that was my little "party" that day. And shopping was Daughter's way of celebrating...
Jay: Yes, thank goodness she was feeling okay for grad. And at least on our travelling days she was better. Now that we're home, she is having to force herself to lay low and get better.
Thank you Lady Banana! There's no place like home and your own bed to help... But I think it will be a few days yet before she is back to normal. Thanks!
Congrats to her. Her dress is gorgeous. Hope her eye infection clears up soon!
Wow...congrats to your daughter! She looks beautiful! Sorry she was under the weather on your trip!
Melinda: Thank you! Yes, gradually she is on the mend. Thank goodness. Now I am trying to ignore my sore throat and burning forehead. Gah...
Janet: Thanks! It was a beautiful dress. All her friends have agreed they are going to have a party where they get them all back on again; one night just wasn't enough!!!
Oh she's just ***beautiful***!!!! Sorry she was sick. :-(
Aw, thank you Jill! She is better now... kids always seem to bounce back quicker than us old folk. Dagnabbit.
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