The Autograph - Part Deux
I keep pinching myself to make sure it's real, but either I stubbornly refuse to wake up, or it is, in fact, true.
I have Johnny Depp's autograph. Holy crap.
Not only that, but he THANKED ME.
What, do you ask, could arguably The Most Famous Actor Of Our Day and Age (not to mention People Magazaine's Sexiest Man Alive a few years back) possibly be thanking me for?
Well, let's take a poll and see if you, my fine, intelligent, creative and hopefully kind readers can deduce:

I'll send one random commentor a brand-spanking new Limited Edition* "I'd Rather Be Blogging" magnet (* limited to a run of 10 - erm, so far).

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18 People would rather be commenting:
OK, Maureen, you're gonna have to spill it soon and tell us how you really got this gorgeous man's autograph!! ;o)
But when he thanks you for everything, what does that include?
"For services rendered."
That's what he meant by "everything". Johnny's discreet that way. What a gentleman! :)
I gather that he doesn't know about the amazing night in Paris, so I said some of the above.
So tell me, Maureen- in these dreams of yours, is he more Cap'n Jack Sparrow, or Johnny Depp a la Chocolat? How 'bout Finding Neverland? Lucky Kate Winslet... sigh. Somehow I think he looks better in movies than in real life. What's your fave look of his?
I didn't see a choice for best Johnny Depp look alike in the pumpkin catagory. I'm thinking he is thanking you for everything you have done to inspire others to carve their pumpkins to look like various roles he has preformed throughout his career. I really think your next jack-o-lantern should be of Johnny Depp's Sweeny Todd character. With your impressive pumpkin carving skills I think you could make him crazy enough to scare the hair off a cat!
It's the home-made peanut butter cookies you send him each week. Am I close?
You rescued him from the other Maureen, the crazy stalker that was trying to kill him.
I know! You stole it from the person who really did spend a night in Paris with him ;)
I'll bet you were at some Pirates of the Caribbean convention...that would be so Maureen....
Actually he's thanking you for agreeing to send the autographed picture to me after you're finished teasing your blog readers with it. :) And please remove all fingerprints & lipstick stains from it before sending it.
Lucky you for getting an autograph. Is it real or a copy? Is if For being such a great fan? My daughter has been a fan of his since "Crybaby".
Most likely thanking you for sending him the hard to find original whind-up walking Yoda figure that completed his Star Wars Episode III collection of charactors.
Did you meet him at the Winnipeg Fringe Festival?
You bled Jhonny's ear to deaf by your wonderful adventures about living in Winnipeg, Canada with added charm.
He loved you but pretended to love your stories and thanks you very much for enlightening him.
He thanked you for that one thing that one time.
You know. That one thing.
I'm guessing the darling man thanked you for being a fan and 'bothering' to come and say hi. *Goes into trance of reminiscence*
Oh .. what? Where am I? Oh, yeah ..
Or, if you didn't get it signed in person, he's thanking you for bothering to write in.
Or maybe you got it via eBay and it's not you he's thanking at all! LOL!
I'm sticking with guess No. 1 though. He's a real sweetheart, and humble enough that he does just that.
Ah, Heather... really? Well, okay. If I HAVE to. Got a post coming up today.
The Green Stone Woman: Ha! I shall let your imagination fill in the blanks!
Tony: Oh my! What kind of a woman do you think I am?? ;)
Dianne: Lucky Kate indeed! Oh, my dream was just plain ol' Johnny. Not that he is EVER plain. Or old. At least he's near my age. But my favorite character is Captain Jack.
Ooooh Sistertex! I didn't know if I was going to do another pumpkin this year. But now you've gone and put ideas into my head! That would be an awesome pumpkin!
Oh Ed. I would hope Johnny would want me for more than cookies. ;) But then again, probably not.
Reforming Geek: ahahahahahaha!!!!
Babs: Hey. When it comes to Johnny I am serious. And deadly. Aw, crap. I can't pull that off, can I?
VE: Yeah, that WOULD be so me, but sadly no. No convention. Or convention geeks. And Johnny is far too smart to even come near those crazy places.
Ahahaha Melinda! You know, it took me only seconds to get that puppy under glass. So much easier to get the lipstick stains off. ;)
Oh it's the real thing Debbie!
Bruce: Me? Give up any SW toy???? Then again, if he wanted it, I would give him my whole collection.
JoJo: Very good to know about the FF. No. Any Johnny there would definitely be some twisted lookalike.
Har Jaffer! Why what's wrong with Winnipeg??? Besides our deep freeze winters, blistering summers, pesky mosquitos, springtime floods... but I do love it. Although right now I am wondering exactly why.
Hahahaha Kevin! That reminds me so much of an early Friends episode where Phoebe is trying to explain a disk of Monica's to her.
Jay: It takes a real Johnny fan (aka YOU) to get it right. You know him all too well!
I am going to go with that time you risked your life running into a burning building to save his hat from Pirates. Am I close?
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