
Typical. Just days before renewing my driver's licence, I get into a smash-up.

There I was minding my own business, leisurely motoring home from work ... Tra La, La, La, La. Turning the curve on our tres icy road, I realized only too late a collision was imminent. Slamming on the brakes proved futile; all I could do was hang on for dear life as my trusty Caravan slid out of control on the hockey rink we call a street.


Crap! Crap! Crap!

Twisted metal and plastic flew. I just sat dumbfounded and began to shake.

Ackkk! I got out and surveyed the scene, prying out pieces wedged underneath my front end. Luckily, upon inspection my van didn't incur any damage.

But I sure as heck demolished the black late model that happened to be sitting in the middle of the street:

Scene of the accidentWho the hell puts a STEREO in the middle of the frickin' street????

Oh yeah. My idiot neighbors. Three days after garbage day. I was so pissed that I threw what was left of it up on the sidewalk.

The Ex-StereoGood thing I don't have to place an accident report. I can just imagine the conversation:

"Okay ma'am, what was the make and model of the one you hit?" The officer would ask.

"Ummm. A black Sony. Don't know the year, but it must have been an older make as it still had a tape deck."

"Did you say SONY?"

"Uh huh. Large model, a quad with quite the sound system, at least in its day."

"Uh ma'am, I don't believe Sony makes vehicles."

"Oh I know that. I hit a home stereo. In the middle of our street. Smashed it to bits too. It is now an Ex-Stereo."

Yeah. So that's when the breathalyzer would have been pulled out...

All hubby could say when I regaled him with my incident was "Sony eh? Maybe the speakers were still good!"

Not any more hon.

Not any more.

42 People would rather be commenting:

Zahrah said...

Oh dear! Sounds like something that would happen to me - you never know what you're going to find in the road around here...

Kristen Gillette said...

aww! At least you got a good story out of it.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty funny! Are these the same neighbours that kept their Christmas lights on forever? (Glad you sustained no damage)

ReformingGeek said...

I think I would have reversed and ran over it again and again and again. Then, I would have grabbed a dustpan and patiently scraped up and dumped all the tiny pieces on the neighbor's lawn.

In other words, mulch.

Bea Boomer said...

You'd think neighbors would be more, well, "neighborly!" and keep their cr** out of the street. I've got a good neighbor story for you: The day before Christmas eve, my neighbor smashed into the front end of my daughter's car (BANG!) and then continued to drive down the street without stopping! When she got to the end of my block, she must have looked back and saw my hubby standing in his robe, looking at my daughter's cracked up car. So she came back, but didn't even offer an apology! Luckily, her insurance covered all the damage and a rental car. Ah, neighbors!
As usual, you've made me laugh with this story.

From the Old InkWell said...

oh my! That's crazy! Hope your neighbors don't read your blog, you know, since you called them idiots. Oh well, what if they do. The truth does hurt.

Jackie said...

wow that would scare me even if I hit something like that . You should drive over it on purpose next time .

Marla said...

Oh my ... now that is funny. Glad you and the Caravan are both ok.

Anonymous said...

not funny for you but still funny for me. sorry

Ca88andra said...

So it will be funny in time! Actually for me its funny now!

Sproglet said...

You GET that frigging Sony girl!!

Smash it to bits!! Kill it!!

Oh already did. Woman after my own heart :)

Well done, well done *applause*

Margaret said...

Well that would have been and interesting call to your insurance company as well.

Ed said...

I was thinking the same thing as your husband. Surely those speakers could have been used for something.

Maureen said...

Zahrah: I couldn't believe it! Who expects a STEREO to be sitting in the street? Thank goodness I have a large van... geez.

Kristengilmore: This is true. And there I was just wondering what I was going to write about next. Well THAT problem was solved!

Pinklea: It is funny. Now. And wow, great memory! No, it was a few doors down. I actually parked in my driveway and went back to take the photos.

Reforming Geek: Ha! Well, it was tempting, that's for sure.

Bea Boomer: Holy crap! I just don't understand how people manage to live without actually thinking.

Marsha: I would LOVE for them to read this.... and see that I have photographic proof of their limited intelligence.

Ha Jackie! Yeah, wimpy me was actually shaking after I smashed it up! Shaking! But I think it was just shock at the surprise of it all.

Marla: Yeah, I literally had to get under my front bumper to pull out the speakers lodged underneath.... but the beauty of having an older van is you don't much care when something like this happens. Now if I had a new car, that would be different.

Wheelboy and son: Yes, it is funny now... I'm just glad I didn't slide into the truck that was parked on the other side of the street. There was a lady taking her child out of the back which is why I had no recourse to steer around the stupid stereo.

Ca88andra: It is funny really. Only *I* could run into a stereo in the middle of the street....

Muwahahahaha Sproglet! Thank you! Yeah. It is pushing up the daisies now....

Margaret: Yeah really. I doubt I could explain that one over the phone. I can just imagine the laughter on the other end.

Ed:Yeah. Kindling.

Heather said...

What??? That's crazy! At least it didn't cause you to have a more serious crash! :oS

Maureen said...

Heather: That's for sure. Like I said, there was a woman taking her kid out from the back seat of her truck on the other side of the street; when I got out, I asked her if the stereo was hers; for a fleeting moment I thought she had just unloaded it from her truck... but no, it wasn't hers. And she was laughing.

Brenda Grolle said...

I'm glad you're OK.

Say, your comment to Bea Boomer would make a good T-shirt!

"Holy crap! I just don't understand how people manage to live without actually thinking."

Ann Elle Altman said...

My first though, why is there a stereo on the funny and sad at the same time.


Perpetual Chocoholic said...

lol! Oh wait, that's not funny;-) Nicely written! Glad there was no damage though.

ME! said...

For a moment, I thought you had photoshopped the stereo in to make fun of hitting a small Scion or something. But then I realized, no, you REALLY hit the stereo! Very funny indeed!

Lousy neighbors!

Kisma said...

That would so be the way my day would end or start. Gotta love the way some people think.


Janet said...

What the heck!? Well, if it doesn't kill you, it makes for good blog material! Glad you're ok!

Katherine Krige said...

I love the tra lalaa, suh mash. You have a great sense of perspective. Stupid neighbours. Good to know that a caravan can take on a sony for future reference though. Watch out stereos everywhere! Caravan on the loose!

JoJo said...

Oops. Glad you and the van are OK though; that's the important thing! RIP Sony Stereo w/ Tape Deck. Wait, is that 'Taps' I hear?

Jay said...

Hahaha! Only a blogger would get out and take pictures, but I'm so glad you did! I needed the laugh, thanks!

Anonymous said...

What an interesting thing to get into a collision with! Thank your silly neighbours for giving you great blogging material!

Maureen said...

Ha Brenda! I should set that up in my CafePress store; no?

Ann that was my first thought too! My second one was Holy Crap!

Yeah, it's okay to laugh Perpetual Chocoholic.... it's my life, snort away!

Bryna: I am not that good at Photoshop. And you know what they say, fact is stranger than fiction. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

Or the way they DON'T think Kisma! TGIF indeed!

Hahahahaha Janet, that's for sure!

kkrige: Thanks and welcome! You're right - beware the Van.

Hahahaha Jo-Jo! Taps... yes, I do believe the speakers were squeaking out something from under my tires....

Jay: Oh yeah. I got in my driveway and thought "what the heck". Nobody would believe me without photographic evidence. Take care of yourself!

Oh this is a way of life over here Lady Banana. At least for about 6 months of the year that is.

Thatisthewhy: "interesting" is one way to describe it, yes.

Cupcake Blonde said...

I am always amazed at what people throw away and how they go about doing it. That is such a hazard, especially on an icy road. I hope you went over and gave them a piece of your mind. Although it looks like that may have been the work of a lazy teenager? Would an adult be so careless? Well, probably...

JC said...

I don't mean to laugh at your misfortune Maureen.....but that's freakin' funny!! Glad you have a sense of humour about it though.

Daisy said...

Wow, what a scare! I am glad you were not hurt.

A few months ago, my Mommeh got in a little accident in a parking lot. She hit another car. Another parked car.

choochoo said...

I wish MY neighbours stereo would bloody break already. Maybe if I snuck in there and put it in the middle of the street... hmm

Maureen said...

Vegas Princess: I have no idea whether they misjudged where exactly the sidewalk ended and where the road started, or if it simply slid onto the road with the ice, or if someone actually moved it there. But a while later somebody took it away... so it's a mystery to me.

Oh JC you HAVE to laugh at things like this, don't you? I can never take life too seriously.

Ouch Daisy! I hope she is okay! I've been hit TWICE in a parking lot (once I wasn't even in the car either)!

I'll be right over Choochoo... just tell me where to bring my Stereo Killing Van.

Gnetch said...

Oh, Im glad your okay. And you are able to make a good post out of it. lol.

Richard said...

Maybe that was what they planned on? Maybe they were like "OH! Let's get rid of this piece of crap by putting it out in the road and let a car smash it and have them dispose of it!" Evil plans are great!

JD at I Do Things said...

This would be funnier if I weren't so enraged on your behalf. Threw the stereo on the sidewalk? How about through their WINDOW?!


Momo Fali said...

Unreal! So glad you stopped to take pictures, or I may have thought you were pulling a fast one on us!

SuziCate said...

Your neighbors are idiots, but it did make for a funny post since your caravan wasn't damaged.

Anonymous said...

Glad nothing happened to you..that would've been a pretty funny convo to have with an officer.

Malin (MomtheBomb) said...

You were too kind to your neighbors...I think I would've hurled the whole stereo through their front windows, LOL. Glad you're okay though.

Babs-beetle said...

I can't believe that anyone would put something in the ROAD. If they had to put it out, what's wrong with the pavement (sidewalk)? I'm sure there must be a law about that sort of thing. Glad you, and your car were OK

Maureen said...

Dyinetch: Well, at least there's that... ;)

Richard: You are giving my idiot neighbors far too much credit here. I doubt they thought that hard. I doubt they THOUGHT at all!

JD: Yep! I wonder if it was them or someone else who finally came out to pick up the pieces?

Momo: I know! There is no way I would have believed it if someone told ME such a story!

SuziCate: I'm just glad I don't drive a Smart Car...

It would have, wouldn't it Anahid!

Ha Malin! Now where were you and JD when I needed you? I doubt I would have been able to lift the sucker alone...

Babs: You'd think so wouldn't you? But I doubt anyone so stupid would actually need a law to tell them not to dispose of their home stereos on the street.

Bruce Johnson said...

If this had been in Phoenix, Arizona, the Sony would already have retained a personal injury attorney and had 20 chiropractor visits.

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