Don't Believe The Myth

The other day while in my craftroom I was, as usual, accompanied by most of our Furry Family Members.

Dog curled up on the rug, dangerously positioned right behind my chair? Check.

Cat spread out precisely on the spot where I needed to work? Check.

Another cat dozing on the shelf at the window, awaiting her turn as The Center Of Attention at precisely the spot where I needed to work, once I shoo the first cat away? Check.

(Yes, I installed a shelf just for the cats to view the backyard from the craftroom window. Cat owners do crazy things like this you know.)

All was peaceful until I was startled out of my chair by a loud KER-ASH!!!!

Tawnee, our 14 pound Ragdoll cat had fallen off her window perch. Not only had she fallen off the shelf, she also bounced off the desk below it, landing nearly atop the rudely-awakened dog.

Dazed, she got up and simply stared at me with her big blue eyes while I checked her over. Nothing broken, but I am sure her cat-ego was severely bruised.

Once again.

For it's not the first time she has defied the age-old myth that cats always land on thier feet. Nor will it be the last, I'm sure. She truely lives up to her Ragdoll monniker.

It's a fairly common occurance for her to be leisurely basking in the sunlight on her cat stand, stretched out as far as she can, falling asleep, rolling over and plummeting to the ground. And she NEVER lands on her feet.

It's a shame that she can't read.... she really does need to learn how to be a proper cat:

And I need to learn to stop laughing when the poor thing lands with a THUMP on the floor.

29 People would rather be commenting:

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

you know, when I first started reading the diagram I started laughing and then thought, I really should stop laughing, which made me chuckle all that much more when I read your next line.

I hope your kitty isn't like any of my kitties and blame YOU for their falling. Mine insist I should have known better and saved them before they fell.

Jill said...

Well, the good thing about cats is that even when they DON'T land on their feet, they look at you as if YOU were the crazy one for seeing things wrong with those lousy eyes of yours, because obviously, THEY are incapable of doing anything wrong...

Margaret said...

LMAO My cats never land on their feet either and like you I always laugh when they fall down because they are supposed to be so graceful lol.

CorvusCorax12 said...

awww LOL poor kitty

Heather said...

Poor kitty!! That is pretty funny though...Love the diagram!

Anonymous said...


Okay -that diagram was funny! I had a cat like that, she always landed on her head! Always. Then shook her head and off she wandered. I called her Chrissy Snow as she looked a little spacey afterwords then pretty much most of her last year.

Yours took out the dog too! That was a GOOD fall, she landed on padding!


JulyJeanie said...

Gee Whiz - a craftroom huh? Wish I had one of those, I'd be more likely to get crafty! Hehehe.

I had several cats during my youth, one of them a "Siamese" - beautiful big clear light blue eyes!

However, after I had my children, I developed an allergy to cat dander of all things! No one in my family that I knew of had this type of allergy, but my husband's side of the family did. Apparently I inherited his family trait.

I would have a cat in a minute if it weren't for that dang allergy! I love them, always have. They are clean, intelligent and independent characters all.

JoJo said...

That's sooo funny!!!! You do realize that when he looks at you after he lands, he's really saying, "I meant to do that, you know." ;p

Kathy said...

Ha! Love that! She really knows how to let it all hang out, doesn't she?

Our Lucky took a tumble off our TV stand yesterday in the least graceful way possible. He looked so sad at me, like "Oh, mama. Why'd ya have to see that? I'm usually so much better at it!"

Hey, I'm just glad he didn't claw at the TV screen on the way down.

Anonymous said...

Our cat, Seamus, did something similar the other day as he jumped down from on top of our stereo. He landed THWACK sideways on the floor and I couldn't help but laugh (after, of course, checking he was OK). I thought he was the only one who did such clumsy things.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

My cat used be so indignant when I laughed at his stupidity.

Kisma said...

I love cats for this very reason, it's the saying

Cats don't have owners, they have staff.

CarrieMarie said...

Love the diagram! I always feel so sad when the kitties fall. It's like their balance has let them down!!

Ca88andra said...

Awww! Loved the diagram. I thought cats just fell on their feet no matter what.

Strolling in the Wind said...

I love the diagram!

And this is so true about cats. And there is often the requisite rollover from their backs to their usual standing position after the fall lol.

By the way, I like your illustrations and writing.

Irene said...

She probably makes a soft impact when she hits the floor and I assume you have soft carpeting, right?

Kate said...

I heard a comedian say something about cats always landing on their feet..... and bread always landing butter-side down. It should be said there is a theory that if you take a piece of buttered bread and strap it to the back of your cat........

Daisy said...

Oh Tawnee, you are such a silly-billy!

AshPup said...

She is so cute! What a floppy little blob. Silly kitty!

Swubird said...


Now that's interesting. I have never seen a cat that couldn't land on its feet. And I've seen plenty of the little feline critters. I grew up an an all animal household, cats and dogs galore, and we played with them in all kinds of situations. From rooftops to kitchen chairs, they jumped, they fell, they tumbled, they rolled, and they always landed on their all fours. I think you have a special cat, indeed.

But it must be great for laughs.

happy trails.

J said...

This is what I seriously miss about having cats in the house. They can be such entertainment... I mean, it's at their expense, but it's hilarious all the same.

Anonymous said...

Very funny...our cat Myles lands on his feet...when we can find him. He thinks he's the mayor of the block, he greets the mail truck, and he stops by the neighbor's house. He refuses to live solely indoors. He also thinks he's a dog and mimics the dogs postures - we never know what he's going to do next!

Babs-beetle said...

Ha ha! Poor baby. I wonder if she was dreaming of falling ;)

Bruce Johnson said...

We have a ferral cat that lives ontop of our detached, flat roofed, garage. She stays up there because that is where we feed her and our dogs, who live in the back yard can't get to her.

One day she was doing the whole stretch and roll thing to close to the edge of the roof....and fell off onto the driveway.

You can imagine what ensued. The dogs collectively said 'Finally!' and bolted for her. The cat said 'ow shit!' and bolted for the fence. It really was funny.

Jay said...

Well, I've never had a ragdoll cat, but as I understand it, that's what ragdolls do. The instinct to move and right themselves has been bred right out of them. Maybe you should provide her with a perch that included an emergency shute which automatically inflates when her weight tips onto it?

Janet said...

Poor baby! Luckily her fluff apparently serves as a nice cushion. :)

Richard said...

Nice instruction manual bahahaha

Cupcake Blonde said...

My cats do this all the time. I don't think they got the memo of how to land on their feet. Sometimes I wonder if they know they are cats. BTW, don't forget to check out my new blog home

Anonymous said...

Loved your blog, even before I got to this post and discovered you were a cat person too. I have just resumed blogging after 24 because my Meow Meow used the last of his 9 on Monday afternoon.

I am adding your blog to my Blogger's Cafe:
In Library 1 - Personal Blogs 2

Now, I'm off to find the Follow Button...


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