Wasps or Mosquitos?

Each year from June to September, Manitobans have participated in the official provincial sport of "Swatting Mosquitos". It is quite the sight to witness; thousands of bare-armed and/or legged citizens, desperate to grab a few fleeting summer hours outside could be seen running, jumping and slapping themselves silly in a vain attempt to outlast the vile insect hoards.

I, however, never being too athletically inclined, excel in the couch-potato version of the sport; better known as "hiding inside" during hot humid days.

This year however, a new sport has surfaced and has become all the rage. "Darting Wasps" involves the even-more awe-inspiring moves to avoid the yellow jacket's stings with wild arm flinging, zig and zagging mid-step and basically running like a fool from these tiny, but agressive warriors.

I don't know which is better; but it sure is fun to watch the game from my living room window.

4 People would rather be commenting:

Maureen said...

Sofia said...
LOL! We don't have many mosquitos around here, but the wasps are really nasty this year. Ahhh, the great indoors. :-)

19/8/06 20:04

Maureen said...

melissa said...
ahh I hate bugs :( I had a wasp nest in the front of my house this summmer and made the 'bug guy' destroy it for me. lol

19/8/06 21:32

Maureen said...

Great indoors indeed, Sofia. And Melissa, that photo is of the wasp's nest in our front yard... Heather asked if I destroyed it. "Nope", I said, "I took a picture of it for my blog".

Hey, I have priorities....

19/8/06 22:02

Maureen said...

Captain Mojo said...
Superb job of writting!
I can see those people fighting away the bugs!

14/9/06 02:05

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