Birdie, Birdie In The Sky...

Ah, Fall.

My favorite time of the year.

The crisp, cool night air.

The crunch of warm-hued leaves under my feet.

The honking of the Canada Geese as they fly low overhead. So close, I can hear the "flup, flup, flup" of their wings as they gather into huge V-shaped convoys.

Hundreds of the majestic birds take to the skies from the lake across the street from our home, covering the sky during their dawn and dusk pilgrimages.

It's beautiful. Breathtaking.

Breathtaking? Yup. THIS sure took my breath away:


"Damn you stinking birds!" I yelled to the sky, shaking my fist at the noisy flock above.

Then I asked myself why the hell I was facing skyward, mouth open, a perfect target if there ever was one.

Coming quickly to my senses, I went inside for some paper towels, a plastic bag

and an umbrella.

Stupid Fall.

I'd Rather Be pelted with Smilies...

26 People would rather be commenting:

Anonymous said...

Fall is my favourite time of the year too !
It's a very beautiful day today here in Southern Ontario. Cool and Clear. Should've called in Sick.

Poopy birds ? Tell me about it - I am at war with pigeons. I had my dad install a net around my balcony two summers ago.

JoJo said...

Well, it begs the question: Why wasn't your car in the garage??? lol

Yeah, I hear ya...I work not to far from Puget Sound, and b/t the crows and the seagulls, my car has seen more than it's share of poop. I now travel w/ a roll of paper towels in my car!!!

Bruce Johnson said...

I never knew that Geese had irritable bowel syndrome while in flight. Gives a new meaning to the term 'Carpet Bombing'.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Well, the story started out nice anyway.

I think I just saw your geese fly by my office. One of them had a smirk on his face.

PG said...

i'm just glad cows can't fly

Cupcake Blonde said...

Ewwwww...I hate bords, Geese especially. I'll have to tell you about the time I was attacked by Canadian Geese. Twice.

Babs (Beetle) said...

I might have known something was going to spoil the moment ;O)

Swubird said...


As I was reading, I was thinking how lucky you are to be living right across the street from a beautiful lake. The water. The trees. The birds. Yikes! The birds! What a great story. That'll teach you to be humble in the presence of nature. LOL.

Great post.

Happy trails.

Maureen said...

Jaffer: Hah! I read about your poopy pigeons!! Darn it, I don't think I can find a net large enough to cover the house....

JoJo: Oh, there's an easy answer to THAT question: Because the garage is filled with CRAP! (You mean people actually use "garages" to store their cars? Wierd....)

Lotus07: IBS Geese. It certainly LOOKED like it.

Jeff: And an empty bowel, I'm sure...

PG: Yay! I was HOPING someone would finish that.... bravo! (oh, and ME too!)

Vegas Princess: Twice? By the same Goose? Yikes! ;)

Babs: You know me too well.

Aw, thanks Swubird. Yes, nature certainly has a way to keep us humble alright. That and careful where we step.

Jill said...

Ick! Well, at least you got to see birds!

Anonymous said...

SEE! I hate to tell you I told you so, but I told you so: geese are a hazard.
They should be wiped from the earth. Preferably stuffed, and with baked potatoes.

Ed (zoesdad) said...

The moment passes quickly, doesn't it?

Maureen said...

Jill: Oh, I get to SEE birds alright; I see way more than I want to ...

Be.Bart: How did I KNOW you'd comment on this one???? What was going thru my head when I discovered these presents???? YOU and your damn pants. Yes. You DID tell me so!

Ed: Way too quickly. I think I'll enjoy the outdoors safely from my blogging chair in the livingroom.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Ewwwwwww. Thank God you closed your mouth hon. That would have been soooo bad.

Ed & Jeanne said...

It's all part of the trickle down economics. You are then going to go out hiking or campign and have to pee and some poor bug is going to be thinking "Aw, man, I curse you human!!!"

Janet said...

Oh, I've actually been pooped on by birds three times in my life. Not nearly as big as Canada geese, but poop is poop when it lands in your hair. :-)

Maureen said...

Jo: Ick. I get nauseous just THINKING about that.

VE: I guess when you're talking about peeing, it would indeed be a "trickle down"...

Janet: Gross! Is this where I make the lame comment "But isn't it considered good luck?" to make you feel better????


Okay. Sorry. ;)

MYM said...

LOL ... yes, and I live near the lake, that's their take of and landing point!

Tara R. said...

I feel your pain. I keep a bottle of Windex wipes in my car. Eeewwww!

toners said...

ROFL!!! Loooove it! :) And I love Fall too...

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA! Oh, I'm with you! Completely!

We've just forced a neighbouring farmer to trim a tree back which hung over our property and our roof and was full of dead wood. Branches would fall on our driveway, narrowly missing our cars. The fact that birds can no longer poop directly onto our vehicles is a bonus!

Sally said...

I am here via the black box. Funny post. I remember when a bird pooped on my brother's car and he chucked a rock at it. Down it fell...dead! We were horrified at him. Bird Killer! I don't think he really expected to hit the bird. I think it was a little sparrow or something. I was little but it made a big impression on me.


One Time said...

Yikes! Right on the door handle.

Maureen said...

Drowsey: Then you are in the danger zone as well... look out! (But don't look UP!)

Tara: Now THAT's a great idea!

Toners: I'm beginning to like it even more from indoors... ;)

Lady Banana: This is true; see? You are an optimist... things can ALWAYS be worse!

Jay: Har! Yes, that would be a good reason to cut back their tree. Our nieghbor only has one tree that overhangs our yard; but I don;t mind it, it's an apple like ours, so if I really wanted to, I can always grab some fruit ;)

Jeff@Sally: Welcome! Aw, poor bird! I see why that would stick with you....

OneTime: Yup... I didn't even SEE the other splotches until I reached for the handle....the WHOA! Daughter wanted to climb in the other side and drive to the car wash... we couldn't get in on the driver's side (man, those geese have GREAT aim!)

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

You've heard the joke about the birds on the wire, looking down and saying "So many cars, so little time, right?" :-)

Well, they had time for yours I guess.

Maureen said...

Johnny's Mommy: They sure did. And they didn't even have anywhere to perch! This came all at once while flying over; and no where else on the driveway. Damn geese had some perfect aim.

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