Plum Good

It's really amazing what happens when one steps away from the laptop.

The other evening I actually got out of my comfy blogging chair in the livingroom and went "Outside". You know. That place beyond the front door where Canada Geese are honking overhead, leaves are falling and a breeze of crisp, fresh air fills your lungs.

Shocked aren't you? I was.

Whilst wandering around our backyard, breathing, and pondering my next blog post topic (well, duh, what else?), I was surprised to find our plum tree, which hasn't borne fruit in years, was bursting with bunches of tiny plums!

Well, damn.

Of course, a lot had already fallen to the ground, sweet treats for our bunnies and whatever other wildlife has made our backyard home. (Well, it's hard to keep track of what's going on back there from the livingroom).

Plum carpetingBut there was still plenty of fruit to be harvested. Of course, being a true-blue blogger, before I plucked clean what branches I could reach, I had to snap a few shots.

(Click for a wallpaper sized image of the photo below).

Plum wallpaper

Now I have to get off the laptop again and make some jam.

25 People would rather be commenting:

Anonymous said...

ooo yummy !
Next flight from Hamilton leaves in 25 minutes.
Meet me with the Jam at YWG Airport at 7:30 ;-)

Kathy said...

How is it that you have plums in your backyard and I have birds and squirrels who want to attack me?

Glad you got out of your blogging chair for that. The pics are great! Enjoy jammin'.

Swubird said...


It's always a good thing to have fruit growing in your very own yard.

My Queen has a small peach tree growing in our small yard, and one day she just happened to brush aside a few leaves - just checking - and sure enough, there was the most beautiful little fury peach you ever saw. She was so happy.

Nice post, and great shots of your plums. Plums used to be my favorite, but for some reason the old system won't take them anymore. "Dang!" as Napoleon Dynamite would say.

Happy trails.

Babs (Beetle) said...

Plums - and plum jam! Yummie!

We have discovered blackberries in our garden this year, but not enough to do anything with. Maybe next year.

Maureen said...

Lady Banana: It was a nice surprise for sure! Ooooh. Never tried plum pie, but how could it NOT be good?

Jaffer: Hah! You know your airport codes! (that's just scary...). Sorry I missed your landing. Can I still catch you before the flight home again? ;)

Har Kathy! Birds and squirrels attack you? Maybe you need to plant some trees with fruit they'll like...

You'll like this little update: tonight there was a racoon in the back... and where was it? Yup. Snacking under the plum tree! It's the first time we've seen a racoon in our yard!

Swubird: We have an apple-crab that makes the best applesauce; no sugar necessary and bright pink. Yummy. We also have wild strawberries. But I haven't planted a garden in decades (too many bunnies). It's mostly a "natural" yard now (and quite big; it goes back 250 feet with over 30 trees). My own little piece of the wilderness outside my back door.
Oh, peaches! I wish we had the climate for those. I am frankly amazed anything survives our extreme weather.

Babs: Oooh. Blackberries. I'll bet they're just like our wild strawberries; not enough to bring inside, so you just snack outdoors, right? ;)

Irene said...

Oh darn it, now you have to make jam! And it will taste so good, that you will feel compelled to eat it on scones with cream or something disgusting like that. I am very jealous, you know. You should stick to your lap top. Really, Maureen!

Gattina said...

I think our blood must be infected with a blogging virus ! Wherever I go, whatever I do I always ask myself : Is that something for my blog ? Should I take a picture ?
I am sure if somebody wants to shoot somebody I would ask him to wait so that I could take a picture first, lol !

JoJo said...

Buy the jam and eat the plums. It's much easier that way.

Jill said...

Oh YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That looks great!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blog posts tend to come to me while I'm rollerblading - no pen, no pad & then I have to try & remember when I get home.

Ed & Jeanne said...

I didn't know you could grow plums up there...I thought only icicles!! ;)

Bruce Johnson said...

Serves you right! Never leave the only makes MORE work.

Anonymous said...

Wow, those are nice looking plums! Not eaters, I presume, since you talk of jam. But maybe they'd make a nice plum cobbler?

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Plums? In your own back yard?! Well, that was worth removing your butt from the chair, I think!

Great shots and send some jam my way!

Maureen said...

Irene: Ooooh. Scones… Cream! Now I am hungry. Yeah, I’d better stay on the laptop… for my waist’s sake. Har! Thanks Irene!

Gattina: Ha! I can just see it… “Stick em up!’ ‘Hold on… smile!” *click*

JoJo: Easier, yes… But then I have to put down the laptop to go to the store.

Jill: Ha! Me too. I had THE BEST idea for a post the other day and have been racking my brain since trying to remember it. Okay, maybe not THE BEST, but I think it was good. Well, it was okay… aw heck, I can’t remember.

VE: Plumcicles!!!!

Lotus07: I guess so! Work AND exercise… Scary!

Jay: Plum cobbler? Okay, now I have to try THAT too!

Jonny’s Mommy: Yup, we got the tree years ago from my parents. I love taking those macro shots.

Cupcake Blonde said...

Mmmmm plums. I love plums. And I think someone mentioned plum cobbler. That is the best! Amazing what you find outside the world of the Internet.

toners said...

Yummmm!! They look great! Now, are you going to bake some scones to go with the jam? :)

Ann(ie) said...

Yummy! Someone has been bringing plums into work and they are SO gooood!

Janet said...

Wow! Those plums look fabulous! And to think you grew them without stepping foot outside...amazing! ;-)

Anonymous said...

yummy yummy, I have been canning my brains out with plums, tomatoes, apples, and grapes. And I will admit that my blogging addiction has suffered. So good luck!

JD at I Do Things said...

I don't like plums, but for some reason, that wallpaper-sized photo made me feel happy.

I can relate. Every now and then I venture Outside and find something surprising, like that basil I planted and forgot about completely.

"I could have had fresh basil?"

JD at I Do Things

PG said...

not a stone fruit guy as a rule. but a good haul for you, a post and fruit! and your tree. I bet that tree is feeling mighty proud.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

I'm with VE (ok, not literally) but I didn't know plums could grow up there! I may just have to plant one of them myself. How many years did you say it will take to see fruit?

JoJo said...

Don't you know that grocery stores deliver now? Just log onto their site, order your jam and they'll bring it right to you. lol

Momo Fali said...

My father-in-law just gave us some delicious plum wine that he made, but now I'm thinking I'd rather have the jam! Sounds good!

Maureen said...

Vegas Princess: It IS amazing what happens when I venture outside the safe cocoon of my chair...

Toners: You know, I don’t think I’ve ever tried to make scones. Biscuits, yes, but scones? I shall have to try. Mmmmm.

Ann(ie): When you get some nice sweet ones, they are delish!

Janet: I KNOW! Good thing I don’t have to do anything; I’d probably kill it trying.

Jackie: Wow, you sound busy... Fall is a busy time for canning, but you get to enjoy the “fruits” of your labor all winter long (if you’ll pardon the pun)!

JD: Glad the photo gave you a nice feeling at least! Basil? I LOVE basil. I gave my parents a whole herb garden this Spring; I would love one of my own one day.

PG: If a tree could talk, I’ll BET it was proud! I couldn’t believe all the fruit it had!

Jeff: Yeah, it’s a Pembina Plum. They grow just fine up here. Fruit bearing depends on how old it is when you get it. My parents got us a fairly mature tree, so it only took about two years for it to start producing. Then it stopped for a few years and is back after it’s hiatus!

JoJo: Ha! Now why didn’t *I* think of that???

Momo Fali: Ooooh. Plum wine! Perhaps we need to arrange a trade ;)

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