The Devil Made Me Do It

This is what happens when you visit a good friend's blog way too many times.

It seems that Kathy at the Junk Drawer and her hilarious penchant for finding "Food That Looks Like Stuff" has finally rubbed off on me. No, it's not Reindeer Bacon, or Smiling Crackers.

It's The Devil himself.



Even though I professed to her of never, ever wanting to see a face in my food (especially if said food originally came with a face) I have now succumbed to this malady. As proof, here is what I saw when I tore open my low fat cranberry muffin at work:

Devillish muffin
If you're like I USED to be (I mean, I could never do those "Magic Eye" thingys either), and have trouble seeing anything there, here's some help for ya:

Devillish muffin with tags
Hell, er, I mean "Heck", he's even RED!

Holy crap.

I devoured him right after taking a bajillion photos... I mean, that just freaked me out way too much; those teenie tiny Satanic eyes glaring at me from his crumby dwelling.

Damn Prince of Darkness just better STAY down.

22 People would rather be commenting:

Kathy said...

You have finally succumbed! Oh, so happy to know others can find things in their food. Now, at first I thought it was a chicken head. What can I say? I'm tired! But I definitely see the devil himself with the graphical aid. Now you have a little devil in you! Welcome to the Food That Looks Like Stuff Club. You'll never be able to look at food the same way again. NEVER!

Babs (Beetle) said...

Oh my! See food that looks like stuff, but the devil - and then EAT him! He's now living inside you. How could you? Have you noticed your breath feeling ever so slightly warm or your eyes feeling extra bright today? Ha ha!

Janet said...

Oh, I'll start seeing things in my food! I agree with you on that muffin. Eating it was the right thing to do!

Ed (zoesdad) said...

Oh. My.

MYM said...


All those calories are evil.

Still laughing ... LOL

I can't believe you ate it. I wonder how this will effect your future blog posts?

Irene said...

I must admit that I did need your graphics to see him, but then I did indeed, and you had the nerve to eat him! Did you get heartburn afterwards? I've never looked at food that way, but now that you've put the idea in my head...

Peggy Sez.. said...

I saw Mr Satan..but I also saw a frog.
Does this cross out the low fat part? Who cares,muffins rule! ;p

JoJo said...

You blew it Maureen! You could've sold it on eBay and made a TON of money! The Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese sandwich sold for like $10,000!!! lol

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a chicken head. Honestly, even after you outlined it for me. Now if it was a goat's head, maybe it could be associated with the devil. ;)

Jo Beaufoix said...

I see it. You ate the devil. You are very brave. If you fart flames you'll only have yourself to blame young lady. Mwah hah hah hah haaaaaaa.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Kathy's unique penchant for finding funny food faces is going global! She also has me now looking for things in my food. Talk about watching what you eat.

btw... I've left you a very important question on my blog today.

Anonymous said...

You ATE Lucifer!!?!! Good grief .. didn't you know you are what you eat?

Hahaha! I'm gonna steer clear of you for a while till I see what happens next. ;)

Maureen said...

Kathy: Ha! Yes, I am truely a member of your Club now... and yes, I don't think food will ever look as appetizing again....

Babs: Yeah, I ATE HIM UP!!! Muwahhahahahahaha.... (that was an evil laugh, if you couldn't tell).

Janet: Yup. The devil, er the muffin, was delish!!!!

Ed: Yup....

Drowsey: Well, if I take a turn for the nasty, I'll have a good excuse, no?

The Finely Tuned Woman: Ha! Well, no heartburn, just a warm feeling of satisfaction at eating that whole cranberry muffin...

Peggy Sez: Yes, Muffins ARE the best!!! Especially these low fat ones; I stock up on them, freeze them, then treat myself every once in awhile at work, zapping them warm in the microwave.

JoJo: Now, how did I KNOW someone would chastise me.... I was overcome by hunger and the smell of a warm cranberry muffin. Yes, I AM weak.

Unfinished Rambler: Chicken? See, I never thought it looked like anything but Satan... I think once you see something, it's hard to see anything else in that shape.

Lady Banana: Yes, I think you need to start snapping photos... you never know what you'll find!!!

Jo: LOL!!! Fart Flames!!!! That floored me.... ahahahahahahaha!!!!

Jeff: Yes, Kathy surely has been influential. I'm just not sure it's in a good way. And damn! You DID beat us in the Christmas light contest. Although, sadly, I am not surprised. At all.

Jay! Muahhhhhaahahahaha.... I'll have to channel a bit of Evil Johnny characters now..... ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, now, I see it. I guess you have to be really tired like I am tonight. Now that I've seen it, I think I'm off to bed.

Chat Blanc said...

Yowza! I'm a little bit afraid of food now. ;)

Swubird said...


Very funny -- the Devil. Ever since Kathy started mentioning faces and things in food I have been on the look out for something lurking in my own plate. But nada. Not even a bug. Now you come up with the Devil. It just goes to show that there's still hope for me. I'd like to find a hundred dollar bill, but I doubt if that will happen.

Happy trails.

Ed & Jeanne said...

Bwahahaha...but wait, this is one of those two image things. Where you see the mouth...I see an eye. Where you have a line for a beard, I see a mouth. It looks like that alien thing that erupted out of a wait, that was a person it erupted out of in the movie, wasn't it? Never mind...

Cupcake Blonde said...

You ate Hell and survived! I love how you drew it all out for us.

Maureen said...

Unfinished Rambler: Yeah, it probably helps to be tired to see it...

Chat Blanc: Some food is already scary; now we have to wonder what the heck is hiding inside (besides hidden calories, that is).

Swubird: Now if I found money, that would be different! I haven't done that since I was about ten... mom used to bake coins into our birthday cakes. Luckily, no one choked. Funny, no one does that anymore! (I guess kids wouldn't be impressed with a dime or quarter nowadays...)

VE: Ewwww... now I am thinking an Alien is going to pop out of my food.

Vegas Princess: Well, I didn't know if everyone had a warped point of view like I do; even with the help, look how many thought it was a chicken! (I blame that on my American friends still suffering from triptofan intoxication from Thanksgiving)

Karen MEG said...

I saw it, even without the fantabulous diagram :).

I think it's hilarious how you just devoured it!

Maureen said...

KarenMeg: Well, I guess the Devil really DID make me do it! ;)

Jill said...

Oh yep, there he is! Ole Beelzebub himself right there in your cranberry. What'd'ya know? :-)

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