Ah Spring

My head rises at the familiar sound of honking.

Shielding my eyes, I squint to spot the flock of Canada geese returning after a long cold winter.

And I smile as they swiftly pass low overhead.

They swerve and coast with ease, long necks swaying left and right searching for a suitable place to land.

Ah Spring!

But enough lollygagging.

I must return to my job at hand. So I trudge through the knee-deep drifts, feet wet and frozen and return to shovelling out my van from under the heavy blanket of new snow.

Spring Snow
Ah Spring!

You Suck.

16 People would rather be commenting:

Anonymous said...

Ah, that sucks. I'll think about you while I'm relaxing in the pool later on. :)

Cupcake Blonde said...

Ugh. Why I left the snowy parts. But while it may be sunny and warmer here, we have gale force winds up to 30 miles and hour today that are tossing me about. Ah, Spring!

JoJo said...

In like a lion, out like a ....., well, a lion.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

I know. I thought about you when I wrote my Facebook comment last night.

Bruce Johnson said...

I think it is going to be in the 80s here today.......sorry, I just had to throw that out there.

(remember, when it is a balmy 82 in your neck of the woods, it will be over 115 here!)

Babs (Beetle) said...

You still have snow? Poor you!

Irene said...

I'm really sorry that you're still stuck under a deep layer of snow. I can't imagine what it must be like so late in the year. How very frustrating. Why did those pioneers ever settle there? I already asked that question once, didn't I?

Karen MEG said...

No WAYYYYYY!!!! I think spring has finally sprung here...but I feel for you...

Ann said...

Like the old saying goes, March - In like a lamb out like a lion. Or maybe is it in and out like a lion?

JD at I Do Things said...

We got snow today. Windy, blustery, blowy, cold, snowy snow. March 29. Yay, spring.

Swubird said...


It makes me cold just seeing that picture. Yesterday, it was eighty degrees! Today it was in the low seventies. I just hate it when the weather fluctuates up and down like that. Don't you?

Happy trails.

Ed & Jeanne said...

Yeah, even for us that don't have fresh snow it still seems to suck what with cold wind and endless rain storms. Glad I'll be heading to the Caribbean in 3 weeks...

nonamedufus said...

Oh man that's the pits. Just got back from 2 weeks in Florida (rub it in, rub it in) and most of the snow's gone in Ottawa. Spring - bring it.

musingwoman said...

We were teased with a few gorgeous days here then bam, hit with chilly winds and rain. Bleh.

Jill said...

Yike! It was cold here this morning, but nothing like that!

Maureen said...

Shawn: Crap.... if I had a pool, at least I could go skating!

Vegas Princess: At least your gale force winds don't create 6 foot snowdrifts!

JoJo: Yep, the lion really bit us on both ends this year!

Jeff: Ah yes, we are both dealing with the cold together; misery shared, eh?

Bruce: Har... well, this is true; I think I would melt in that heat!

Babs: Yep. And believe it or not, it is STILL snowing. In April.

The Finely Tuned Woman: Those pioneers were much hardier.... obviously!

KarenMeg: Oh yeah... I am now thinking Spring may just be waiting to show up in May. I hope.

Ann: I have now given up on that saying. Along with the one about "April showers"...

JD: Well, at least I am not alone; sorry to say!

Swu: Har. Har. Har. ;) Actually it doesn't fluctuate much here either. It has been consistent. Consistently friggin' COLD.

VE: You Suck too. Just kidding. I went down south too. And it snowed while I was there too.

Nonamedufus: Florida? Crap. One year I definitely need to go somewhere warm in the winter... or spring.

Musing: Yeah, this is definitely a time of ups and downs; and I am NOT talking about the economy.

Jill: I doubt there are many areas that are still under a blanket of snow. Some years, we could be golfing by now.

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