What Was That?

Every time the dog whines to be let out, we exit the kitchen door, through the attached garage and out the back door to the yard. Most mornings this is a fairly uneventful process, but today as I waited inside the garage for the canine to finish her business, I was startled by a metalic crashing outside on the front driveway. At least I thought it was outside. The neighbor perhaps? Nope. No one was there.

Aw, crap. One of the cats must have scooted out the door without me seeing again. I performed an Official Feline Count by peeking back inside the kitchen.

One. Two. Three. Nope the OFC was correct. All whiskers present and accounted for.

Aw, crap. It WASN'T a cat.

Then I saw hubby's extensive collection of empty beer cans move. Move a lot. Inside the garage. Inside with me.

I shooed the dog back into the kitchen, left the back door to the yard open in case "Whatever It Was" needed an exit and ran inside the house as quick as I could.

For my camera.

Now properly armed as a dedicated blogger should be, I returned, stood and waited.

More scuffling and cans banging.

"Hello?" (Erm, right. As if "Whatever It Was" was going to answer.)

A shadow passed under the rider mower. A skunk perhaps?


I kept watch, camera at the ready as more tiny crashes emanate from the pile of Kokanee empties. But nothing emerges, so I decide to carefully clean up the mess and bag the cans, discovering one that's still partially full but frozen.

Ahhh... I now theorize the noise was likely a thirsty mouse with a taste for beersicles, and in a fit of drunken stupor was ricochetting like a pinball off the empty beer cans in a panic to escape.

I just wish I could have taken photographic evidence of it.

Dammit. That woulda been so cool!

Oh, well.

I guess we'll just have to make do with the following tres accurate "artist's rendering" of the scary and highly dangerous animal instead:

Drunk Mouse

22 People would rather be commenting:

Marvel Goose said...

nothing gets the hair up on the back of your head like hearing a marsupial scuffle around the room!

Maureen said...

MG: Especially a drunk one... ;)

Irene said...

I was all primed for a picture of a raccoon or something. How many empty beer cans does your husband have anyway? Does he collect them?

Maureen said...

The Finely Tuned Woman: He has TOO many... he "collects" them until he decides to cash them in for the 5 cent deposit each. ;)

Babs (Beetle) said...

All it's likely to be in the UK is a mouse or possibly a hedgehog. Unless you live right out in the countryside :O)

Daisy said...

Once, a snake got inside my house. A GIANT snake (about as big as a PENCIL!!!). My Mommie screamed, but I wanted to play with him.

I have never seen a real live mouse before. Maybe I need to leave some beer out to lure them to me.

Anonymous said...

You must camp out in the garage with an opened tinnie until you get that picture! We will not be content with less!

Off you go - what are you waiting for?


Cupcake Blonde said...

I love how your first instinct is to grab your camera! :)

Maureen said...

Babs: Well, we live in the 'burbs and since moving here in '87, we've had all kinds of wildlife visit. But a mouse still freaks me out when it's skittering around my feet.

Daisy: Ack! A snake???? Thank goodness we don't have those up here (unless you live in a small town north of here that is famous for it's garter snakes). Yes, I think you should leave out beer for the mice; and I hear if you have a snail problem, beer will get rid of them too! See? There are plenty of good things about beer.

Jay: What? You don't LIKE my artist's rendering??? ;)

Vegas Princess: Well, it's what any dedicated blogger WOULD do, no? But maybe it's a good thing I didn't get the shot; then everyone would tease me incessantly about what a mess the garage is....

Jill said...

Very funny! Especially the camera part. I had mine ready when I brought my boy into the minor emergency room for his scratched cornea. In fact, every time I've had my boy in the emergency room, taking pictures as distracted me from freaking out. And the doctor loves it when you stop him or her during procedure to snap a photo.

Loved the all whiskers accounted for part too!

PG said...

perhaps it was a gremlin rather than a mouse. Shudder.

Anonymous said...

wow, I would have freaked out and probably sold the house.

Momo Fali said...

I'm pretty sure I would have peed my pants. Not that you wanted to know that, but I felt inclined to share.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

You should have let you cats hunt it down. It would have been kind of like finding a rum ball or a spiked watermelon chunk. And you think they like catnip!

JoJo said...

AW!!!!! How cute!!!!

robkroese said...

That reminds me... gotta check the gopher traps.

Ed & Jeanne said...

He was the diversionary mouse. The other two were ordering pizza and on-demand movies while you were searching for your camera...

Janet said...

I just hope that mouse was on foot(s) and not driving...

NH Yocal said...

LOL...sounds like a very scary event but there is one happy little mouse running around...get a pic of him when he passes out from all the boos.

Maureen said...

Jill: Yep, a blogger without a camera is... well, ME in this case!

PG: A gremlin? Acck! Unless it was the version of Gremlins BEFORE the water...

Shawn: Ha! Well, perhaps if it was a rat...

Ahahahaha! Momo you slay me. Yes, TMI is right.

Jeff: Oh, yeah, that's ALL I need; three sober cats are crazy enough!

JoJo: Only cute in my imagination (and on my graphics tablet).

Diesel: Glad I could be of service. Damn rodents...

VE: Ha!!!!! OMG VE you're probably right. Crap! Now I have to check the cable bill more closely.

Janet: Har! I can just SEE that mouse climbing behind the wheel of Barbie's pink car...

Melinda: Okay. I shall try to become a mouse-paparazzi and hunt him down.

Anonymous said...

If that had happened where I live, I'd have been worried that it was a bunyip or something. Scary, man. Scary. :(

Maureen said...

Tony: Okay, now I have to go look up what the hell a bunyip is...

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