Adventures at the Mall

I grabbed the soft teal turtleneck off the Sale rack.

Might as well make the best of it... I had plenty of time to kill since my daughter was loaded down with what I could only assume was potentially an entire new wardrobe.

Yep, we were going to be here awhile.

So I sauntered to the change rooms and stood patiently in the lengthy lineup.

When I finally made it to the front of the queue, I was dumbfounded to note that the changerooms seemed to go on forever; which was a good thing since this place was jam-packed with giggly girls, grabbing any and everything like crazed hunters eager to capture that elusive beast known as The Perfect Look.

"Just take the last room down on the right", the attendant pointed out for me; smirking at my lowly single item.

Neverending ChangeroomsI walked down the hallway passing numerous closed curtains, when I looked up at the last minute, just in time to try to swerve out of the way of someone coming the other way, right at me. But she swerves too; in the same direction, still in my path.

It's only then that I recognise the incredibly rude person blocking my way.


It's my reflection in a huge mirror...

And as I duck into the "last" room on the right, I realize this place wasn't in fact as big as I first thought.

I'm just relieved no one saw me nearly smack myself head on into the deceptive full length mirror completely covering the back wall.

Especially my daughter.

However, that full hand print I left on it may be cause for wonder...

26 People would rather be commenting:

Kathy said...

Maureen, you are responsible for me ALMOST shooting a grape out my nose. I gotta stop coming here when I'm eating. L.M.A.O. So something I would do. I'm crying here.

Heather said...

OMG - LOL!!!!!!! Thanks for the laugh. I'm glad I'm not the only one who does stuff like that. ;o)

Daisy said...

Oopsie! Well, at least you didn't actually collide. It sounds more like you just gave yourself a High Five!

JoJo said...


Jay said...

Hahahahaha!! I have SO NEARLY done that, too! LOL!

So, did the soft teal turtleneck fit? Did ya buy it? Enquiring minds need to know!

Babs-beetle said...

Now I'm choking!!! That was so funny! I think I would do exactly the same thing!

Jill said...

Ooops!!!! At least that rude lady didn't run smack into you!!! :-) :-) :-) There are mirrors on the ceiling of this music venue I like and they STILL slightly confuse me every time I go!

Maureen said...

Kathy: Har! Well as long as you don't choke I'm relieved... Believe it or not, I wrote that post on my Blackberry whilst waiting for daughter try on yet another pile of clothes at THE NEXT STORE. First time I've ever done that. But I still had a helluva lot more time to kill.

Heather: Yer welcome. Glad my stupidity can delight others.

Lady Banana: Glad to hear it! (Er, maybe I should say "sorry to hear it!") But at least I am not alone, no?

Daisy: Ha! I never thought of that! A high five is EXACTLY what I did!!! Before turning beet red and ducking into the cubicle, praying not to hear roaring laughter outside, that is.

JoJo: :D I am so glad you weren't THERE to laugh...

Yes Jay, I DID buy it! A whole $5.99 it set me back... but every time I wear it, I blush in embarassment.

Babs: Well, you can see by the photo that it LOOKED like at least twice as many rooms as there actually were; and I focussed on the very last one I could see... so I didn't pay much attention to anything else. Obviously. (BTW, I had to go back the next day and get daughter to pose so I could snap a photo without anyone realizing I just wanted a pic of the changerooms).

Maureen said...

Jill: Hah! Yeah, mirrors are NOT my friends anymore. I think they need those little decals on them so idiots like me don't bash into them like a bird flying into a window...

Cupcake Blonde said...

I have done this myself so many times I can not even count. Never say I am one aware of my surroundings. Thanks for the laugh!

Ed said...

This one just kind of sneaks up on you. The more the visual comes into my head the harder I laugh. (Not at you though---with you.)

toners said...

ROFL!! This is one of the funniest posts!!

And I'm glad you found your scalloped punch! what you created - please? :)

musingwoman said...

Too funny!! At least you did avoid a full on collision!

Bart said...

Maybe you'd better keep away from virtual reality...

ReformingGeek said...

What a relief! I'm not alone. I hate mirrors sometimes!

Irene said...

You're just as confused by the real world as I am. It's a tricky place and not meant for us more dimwitted types who are gullible and believe in endless rows of dressing cubicles.

Marsha said...

You are not alone. Although I've never walked into myself... I've had the beejebbers scared out of me when I passed a newly hung mirror in the dining room and thought someone else was in the room.

Bruce Johnson said...

Another glimpse into a world that most men never knew existed.....(smokin hot new blog template by the way.)

Swubird said...


That's so funny. Since we had three daughters, I waited at the change rooms forever. New clothes for school. New clothes for summer. New dresses for dances. New outfits to go out on dates. The list goes on and on. Now my Queen and I are all alone, so I finally have the chance to buy something for myself, but I'm broke!

Happy trails.

Bee said...

ha ha ha! That is too funny! To be fair, that does look like one long hallway/dressing room.

Maureen said...

Vegas Princess: I was so focussed on that "last" curtain, I had blinders on for everthing else. Gah.

Ed: Oh yes, I have to laugh too. Well, now I can. Then, I just turned beet red and wanted outta there!

Toners: Thanks! Well, I used the punch on our Easter cards!!! One day I may actually update my craft blog.

Musing: Just barely missed... but I did do a "high five" as Daisy so correctly pointed out!

Be.Bart: Ha! I can't imagine what I would do to myself in virtual reality. I have a hard enough time in REAL reality.

ReformingGeek: Whew! Glad to hear I am not the only one who runs into mirrors... I realize now I could never work in a modern mirror-covered building; although my co-workers would be thoroughly entertained!

The Gossamer Woman: Oh, you are so right there.

Marsha: LOL!!! Ha! Now that WOULD freak me out!

Aw, thanks Bruce. But men don't run into mirrors? I don't believe it... ;)

Swubird: THREE? I have just the one and she shops circles around me. At least now I can afford to buy myself some things; something I didn't do much since becoming a Mom.

Bee: See? So I'm not crazy; just a klutz. I knew I had to go back the next day to get a photo to prove / demostrate the effect. But taking a picture in a store is usually forbidden... I had to be tres sneaky.

MYM said...

As long as you didn't talk to her. LOL!

Ed & Jeanne said...

Hahaha...hillarious. I'm so glad they posted the security footage out on YouTube ;0)

i am the diva said...

lol, oh the many times i've done that.

popped over via fivestarfriday!

Anonymous said...

I always check out the return policy...just can't bring myself to use those rooms.You have courage to even think of it.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Bwah ha ha haaaa. I did that at the gym when I was younger. I didn't have my lenses in. That's my excuse. Hee

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