Summer Vacation

It's not just for humans anymore ....

Geese Vacation

19 People would rather be commenting:

Momo Fali said...

If one of those ducks were mine, at least one of them would be seasick too.

JoJo said...


JD at I Do Things said...

HAHAHA! Those cute little duckies. At least they can just pee in the water; they don't have to make a rest stop.

Kathy said...

OMG. That's adorable.

Maureen said...

Momo: Ha! Oh yeah; I used to be the one who was privileged with the car sickness gene. Luckily, our family didn't take many vacations by auto.

JoJo: They are all over our place, what with the lakes; and what is so cute, you can see by the size of the goslings which families hatched first.

JD: Ahahahaha!!! Yeah, luckily little bebehs... and even luckier parents.

Kathy: After watching these families growing up right in the neighborhood, I couldn't resist stopping on the way home from work one day to take some photos. I made sure I didn't get too close to disturb them (which is why it's not the clearest of photos; I only have a 10 MP Sony digital camera - nothing fancy and "Daddy" Goose was on guard watching my every move).

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

We have that same family out in front of our office. Except instead of being cute little goslings anymore, they've now grown into gangly awkward teen geese - and it only took a few weeks! But they're still obeying and following mom and dad around so it appears they've been raised well.

Shawn said...

The lead goose probably does know where he's going, if his damn wife would just shush and let him get there! ;)

Anonymous said...

So is this your new blog post theme: birds???
Very cute photo, though! You do have a way with our feathered friends, it seems.

Maureen said...

Jeff: Well, at least there are SOME teens who still listen... We have some Geese families with older goslings as well... they sure do grow up fast! (says she who can't believe her own daughter has just finished High School). Gah!

Ahahahahaha Shawn! You got that right! (but how did you KNOW the lead was the Daddy??? ;) )

Pinklea: I know! Maureen has gone to the birds... don't think I almost didn't post this just for that very fact it followed another bird story. Geesh. I'd better not have any run ins with any more feathered friends soon....

Swubird said...


I used to be the kid that constantly asked, Are we there yet? Drove my parents crazy. Plus, if I sat in the backseat I would get car sick. Very high maintenance.

Happy trails

Maureen said...

I have now christened one of the goslings "Swubird".

Appropriate for a number of reasons.


Irene said...

Just follow the stream all the way to the bridge and turn left and that is where the big beaver pond is. You can't miss it. There's a big dam in the middle. Jeez, some men!

Maureen said...

The Gossamer Woman: Ahahahahaha!You tell him! They never listen, do they? Silly Goose ;)

jay said...

Ha! Yes, indeed, that's the way it went ... except that two of the ducklings would be fighting. LOL!

Maureen said...

Jay! Har! I love how each person can somehow relate to this photo / caption....

Bruce Johnson said...

this is obviously one of the 'axioms' of life, since it is true of everyone and we all understand it.

Babs-beetle said...

Ha ha ha ha! That's s cute! I did that to Mo when we were out in the car the other day.... "Are we there yet?...are we there yet?....Are we THERE yet? We had only just left home ;O)

Cupcake Blonde said...

When I see this picture all I can think of is the time my father told my brother to go in a cup because WE WERE NOT STOPPING! :)

Maureen said...

Bruce: How true! At first I thought this was a lame idea; but then I realized that a lot of us have had similar experiences... all that's missing is the wood panelled station wagon.

Oh Babs, you ARE bad! Poor Mo... her response, I'll bet, was of the four-letter variety, no?

Vegas Princess: Har! Your poor brother! A cup? Well, I do hope it was thrown out after... ew.

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