It's a Zoo Out There
You may have noticed I've been away (you did, didn't you????) Actually I am STILL away; sitting here in my comfy hotel bed, laptop on my er, well, lap to finally write about what I've been up to.
Or down to.
Down to the US of A. Again. With Daughter. Again.
We're back in Minneapolis for a week... spending copious amounts of time and money at the Mall of America. Again.
I must say, Tuesday and Wednesday the Mall was pretty quiet; it was wonderful. But yesterday? It was a Zoo.
As usual, we crawled out of bed early to get a good start on the busy day.After brekkie at IHOP,
we joined the rest of the herd over at the Mall, running around to catch the bestest of deals.
It was crazy; the crowds were growing significantly by mid-day. But that didn't stop us. We made sure we got to all the stores we could. After walking around four levels of hundreds of shops all day, my feet were killing me.
By 9 pm,, I found myself yawning uncontrollably - it was definitely time to return to our hotel, especially since the Mall was closing anyway...
But bedtime would have to wait until after relaxing in the hotel hot-tub; luckily, we had it all to ourselves as we soaked our tender tootsies.
Soon it was time to hit the sack once more.... we needed our rest, for another day of shopping awaited us in the morning.
Which reminds me.... we went to the Minnesota Zoo too.

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I love the mall AND the zoo! Glad you're having fun! : ) And cute pics.
I'm not much of a shopper myself (and that quite possibly makes me a traitor to my own sex), but I love the way this post was presented. The photos and captions really made me giggle! Good job - and happy shopping!
What a great post! Love the photos with commentary. Good job!
Glad you're having a fun time, I don't know how you do it, I think consecutive days of mall shopping would drive me insane. I love the photographs of the animals, very clever and highly amusing! :D
Heh awesome picture story!
I'm glad that you had a good time at both the zoo and the mall. I haven't been to my mall in a very long time. Love the animal pictures, especially the otter.
So you enjoyed the zoo more than the mall, right?
Hee! I love your "shoppers as animals" analogy.
I am not so much into shopping, but I do love a good hot tub.
And flamingos.
lol cute pictures :)
Great pictures esp the first one of the otter!!! SO CUTE!!! Glad you guys are having fun!
I'm definitely not a shopper so I admire your courage!
Love the pix illustrating your travelog. Sounds like you both had a great time.
It sounds like the mall was really a zoo!
I don't know how you do it! I have never really liked shopping. Probably because, being short means I rarely get clothes that fit me!
Yikes Maureen! Some spammer posted some really bad links here! :O
Sounds as if you had huge amounts of fun!
The zoo looks like a good one - I love the picture of the Przewalski's Horses! What a great success story that is. From extinct in the wild in the 60s (I remember them declaring it extinct) they've recovered to become 'merely' critically endangered. Hopefully, the numbers will climb back up, too!
What about Sam??
I intend to get to the Mall of America one of these days... Must remember to schedule it during the middle of the week.
Great way to post a vacation trip.
I have never been to the Mall of America but it is on the list to do someday.
I still have a hard time understanding this whole Mall of America thing. Seems to me that is someplace I want to AVOID more than anything else.
Did you get to visit Jeff?
Thanks everyone... yes, it was a great trip; the Zoo was fantastic! I have to thank daughter and her expert use of the new camera we gave her for Christmas for those first three shots. She also got good use out of it when we went to Underwater Adventures twice in the Mall; the new Sea Horse and Jellyfish exhibits were amazing!
Thanks for letting me know about the spammer comments Jo-Jo! I have now removed the Anon ability to comment.
Jay, those horses were hilarious to watch; they ran, ran and ran around some more playing with each other... so cute!
Connie, Sam was with us too! I shall have to do an update just with Sam sometime soon...
No VE, I didn't stop by to see Jeff this time; I DID however yell "Hi Jeff!" from I94 as we zoomed by St. Cloud at 140 Km/hr. I wonder if he heard me... ;)
Absolutely the best post I have ever seen. Great use of the animals, which is exactly how it is in the mall, right? I especially like the part about the yawning. That's me.
Well done.
Happy trails.
They are all cute!
My Wordless Wednesday
Thailand In Photo
Hahahahahaha! I had to read this one a couple of times! Lovely photos - I especially love the one of the leopard!
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